
Mário Rui Gomes

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12EEDiogo Barreira, Mário Rui Gomes, Mauro Figueiredo: The development of an Online TV system's architecture. IV 2007: 831-838
11EECarlos Martinho, Mário Rui Gomes, Ana Paiva: Synthetic Emotension. IVA 2003: 57-61
10EEMarco Vala, Ana Paiva, Mário Rui Gomes: Happy Characters Don't Feel Well in Sad Bodies! IVA 2003: 72-79
9EETiago Sepúlveda, Mário Rui Gomes: A Study on the Evolution of Learning Classifier Systems. IWLCS 2000: 177-191
8EEJoão Rafael Galvão, Paulo Garcia Martins, Mário Rui Gomes: Modeling reality with simulation games for a cooperative learning. Winter Simulation Conference 2000: 1692-1698
7 Carlos Martinho, Ana Paiva, Mário Rui Gomes: Emotions for a Motion: Rapid Development of Believable Pathematic Agents in Intelligent Virtual Environments. Applied Artificial Intelligence 14(1): 33-68 (2000)
6 José M. Velez, Mário Rui Gomes, Bernhard Tritsch, Christoph Hornung: Dedicated - Modular Training System (DELTA Project D2014). IWACA 1994: 300-314
5EEPedro Faria Lopes, Mário Rui Gomes: A Computer Model For Pinscreen Simulation : A New Animation Paradigm. Comput. Graph. Forum 11(1): 31-42 (1992)
4 Mário Rui Gomes, Rui Pedro Casteleiro, Fernando Vasconcelos: An Object-Oriented Architecture for Direct Manipulation Based Interactive Graphic Applications: The MAGOO Architecture. Workshops on Object-Oriented Graphics (1) 1991: 127-135
3EEMário Rui Gomes: Guest editor's introduction : Computer graphics in Portugal. Computers & Graphics 14(1): 5-6 (1990)
2EEPedro Faria Lopes, Mário Rui Gomes: Computer animation in Portugal. Computers & Graphics 13(3): 381-387 (1989)
1 João Pereira, Francisco Reis, Carlos Vinagre, Mário Rui Gomes: Parallel Processing on a Transputer-based Graphics Board. Advances in Computer Graphics Hardware 1988: 201-212

Coauthor Index

1Diogo Barreira [12]
2Rui Pedro Casteleiro [4]
3Mauro Figueiredo [12]
4João Rafael Galvão [8]
5Christoph Hornung [6]
6Pedro Faria Lopes [2] [5]
7Carlos Martinho [7] [11]
8Paulo Garcia Martins [8]
9Ana Paiva [7] [10] [11]
10João Pereira [1]
11Francisco Reis [1]
12Tiago Sepúlveda [9]
13Bernhard Tritsch [6]
14Marco Vala [10]
15Fernando Vasconcelos [4]
16José M. Velez [6]
17Carlos Vinagre [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)