
Carsten K. Gomard

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12 Neil D. Jones, Carsten K. Gomard, Peter Sestoft: Partial Evaluation for the Lambda Calculus. Partial Evaluation 1998: 203-220
11 Lars Ole Andersen, Carsten K. Gomard: Speedup Analysis in Partial Evaluation: Preliminary Results. PEPM 1992: 1-7
10 Carsten K. Gomard, Peter Sestoft: Path Analysis for Lazy Data Structures. PLILP 1992: 54-68
9EECarsten K. Gomard: A Self-Applicable Partial Evaluator for the Lambda Calculus: Correctness and Pragmatics. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 14(2): 147-172 (1992)
8 Carsten K. Gomard, Peter Sestoft: Evaluation Order Analysis for Lazy Data Structures. Functional Programming 1991: 112-127
7 Carsten K. Gomard, Peter Sestoft: Globalization and Live Variables. PEPM 1991: 166-177
6 Carsten Kehler Holst, Carsten K. Gomard: Partial Evaluation is Fuller Laziness. PEPM 1991: 223-233
5 Carsten K. Gomard, Neil D. Jones: A Partial Evaluator for the Untyped lambda-Calculus. J. Funct. Program. 1(1): 21-69 (1991)
4 Carsten K. Gomard, Neil D. Jones: Compiler Generation by Partial Evaluation: A Case Study. Structured Programming 12(3): 123-144 (1991)
3 Neil D. Jones, Carsten K. Gomard, Anders Bondorf, Olivier Danvy, Torben Æ. Mogensen: A Self-Applicable Partial Evaluator for the Lambda Calculus. ICCL 1990: 49-58
2EECarsten K. Gomard: Partial Type Inference for Untyped Functional Programs. LISP and Functional Programming 1990: 282-287
1 Carsten K. Gomard, Neil D. Jones: Compiler Generation by Partial Evaluation: A Case Study. IFIP Congress 1989: 1139-1144

Coauthor Index

1Lars Ole Andersen [11]
2Anders Bondorf [3]
3Olivier Danvy [3]
4Carsten Kehler Holst [6]
5Neil D. Jones [1] [3] [4] [5] [12]
6Torben Æ. Mogensen [3]
7Peter Sestoft [7] [8] [10] [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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