
Darin Goldstein

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14EEDarin Goldstein, Kojiro Kobayashi: On the Complexity of the "Most General" Undirected Firing Squad Synchronization Problem. ISAAC 2007: 244-255
13EEDarin Goldstein, Kojiro Kobayashi: On the Complexity of the "Most General" Firing Squad Synchronization Problem. STACS 2006: 696-711
12EEBurkhard Englert, Darin Goldstein: Can Memory Be Used Adaptively by Uniform Algorithms? OPODIS 2005: 32-46
11EETodd Ebert, Darin Goldstein: A "Go With the Winners" approach to finding frequent patterns. SAC 2005: 498-502
10EEKojiro Kobayashi, Darin Goldstein: On Formulations of Firing Squad Synchronization Problems. UC 2005: 157-168
9EEDarin Goldstein, Kojiro Kobayashi: On the Complexity of Network Synchronization. SIAM J. Comput. 35(3): 567-589 (2005)
8EEDarin Goldstein, Kojiro Kobayashi: On the Complexity of Network Synchronization. ISAAC 2004: 496-507
7EEDarin Goldstein, Nick Meyer: The wake up and report problem is time-equivalent to the firing squad synchronization problem. Distributed Computing 17(1): 21-31 (2004)
6EEDarin Goldstein, William Murray, Binh Yang: Using Artificial Intelligence for Model Selection CoRR cs.AI/0310005: (2003)
5EEDarin Goldstein, Nick Meyer: The Wake Up and Report Problem is Time-Equivalent to the Firing Squad Synchronization Problem CoRR cs.DC/0310003: (2003)
4EEDarin Goldstein: Determination of the Topology of a Directed Network CoRR cs.DC/0310004: (2003)
3EEDarin Goldstein: Determination of the topology of a directed network. Inf. Process. Lett. 88(3): 121-131 (2003)
2EEDarin Goldstein: Determination of the Topology of a Directed Network. IPDPS 2002
1EEDarin Goldstein, Nick Meyer: The wake up and report problem is time-equivalent to the firing squad synchronization problem. SODA 2002: 578-587

Coauthor Index

1Todd Ebert [11]
2Burkhard Englert [12]
3Kojiro Kobayashi [8] [9] [10] [13] [14]
4Nick Meyer [1] [5] [7]
5William Murray [6]
6Binh Yang [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)