
Barry C. Goldstein

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6 Barry C. Goldstein, Jeffrey M. Jaffe, J. Low, Hanafy Meleis: High bandwidth metropolitan area networking architecture. ICCC 1988: 463-469
5 Barry C. Goldstein, Jeffrey M. Jaffe: Data Communications: The Implications of Communcation Systems for Protocol Design. IBM Systems Journal 26(1): 122-137 (1987)
4 Barry C. Goldstein, Andrew R. Heller, Franklin H. Moss, Irving Wladawsky-Berger: Directions in Cooperative Processing Between Workstations and Hosts. IBM Systems Journal 23(3): 236-244 (1984)
3 Harold Lorin, Barry C. Goldstein: Operating System Structures for Polymorphic Hardware. ACM Pacific 1980: 1-5
2 Barry C. Goldstein, Harold Lorin: Inversion of the Memory Hierarchy. ACM Pacific 1980: 154-157
1 Barry C. Goldstein, Thomas W. Scrutchin: A Machine-Oriented Resource Management Architecture. ISCA 1974: 214-219

Coauthor Index

1Andrew R. Heller [4]
2Jeffrey M. Jaffe [5] [6]
3Harold Lorin [2] [3]
4J. Low [6]
5Hanafy Meleis [6]
6Franklin H. Moss [4]
7Thomas W. Scrutchin [1]
8Irving Wladawsky-Berger [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)