
Lev Goldfarb

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8EELev Goldfarb: On One Unconventional Framework for Computation. UC 2007: 77-90
7 Dmitry Korkin, Lev Goldfarb: Multiple genome rearrangement: a general approach via the evolutionary genome graph. ISMB 2002: 303-311
6EELev Goldfarb, John Abela, Virendra C. Bhavsar, Vithal N. Kamat: Can a vector space based learning model discover inductive class generalization in a symbolic environment? Pattern Recognition Letters 16(7): 719-726 (1995)
5EELev Goldfarb: What is distance and why do we need the metric model for pattern learning? Pattern Recognition 25(4): 431-438 (1992)
4EETony Y. T. Chan, Lev Goldfarb: Primitive pattern learning. Pattern Recognition 25(8): 883-889 (1992)
3EELev Goldfarb: On the foundations of intelligent processes - I. An evolving model for pattern learning. Pattern Recognition 23(6): 595-616 (1990)
2EELev Goldfarb: Metric Data Models and Associated Search Strategies. SIGIR Forum 20(1-4): 7-11 (1986)
1EELev Goldfarb: A unified approach to pattern recognition. Pattern Recognition 17(5): 575-582 (1984)

Coauthor Index

1John Abela [6]
2Virendra C. Bhavsar [6]
3Tony Y. T. Chan [4]
4Vithal N. Kamat [6]
5Dmitry Korkin [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)