
Elizabeth Ferreira Gouvea Goldbarg

Elizabeth Ferreira Gouvea

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18EESílvia M. D. Monteiro, Elizabeth Ferreira Gouvea Goldbarg, Marco César Goldbarg: A Plasmid Based Transgenetic Algorithm for the Biobjective Minimum Spanning Tree Problem. EvoCOP 2009: 49-60
17EECelso Y. Ishida, Aurora Pozo, Elizabeth Ferreira Gouvea Goldbarg, Marco César Goldbarg: Multiobjective Optimization and Rule Learning: Subselection Algorithm or Meta-heuristic Algorithm?. Innovative Applications in Data Mining 2009: 47-70
16EECelso Y. Ishida, Andre B. de Carvalho, Aurora Trinidad Ramirez Pozo, Elizabeth Ferreira Gouvea Goldbarg, Marco César Goldbarg: Exploring Multi-objective PSO and GRASP-PR for Rule Induction. EvoCOP 2008: 73-84
15EERichard A. Gonçalves, Marco César Goldbarg, Elizabeth Ferreira Gouvea Goldbarg, Myriam Regattieri Delgado: Warping search: a new metaheuristic applied to the protein structure prediction. GECCO 2008: 349-350
14EEMarco César Goldbarg, Elizabeth Ferreira Gouvea Goldbarg, Carlos R. A. Mendes: Selecting beam directions in radiotherapy with an evolutionary algorithm. SAC 2008: 1420-1421
13EEElizabeth Ferreira Gouvea Goldbarg, Nelson Maculan, Marco César Goldbarg: A New Neighborhood for the QAP. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 30: 3-8 (2008)
12 Elizabeth Ferreira Gouvea Goldbarg, Marco César Goldbarg, Cristine Cunha Schmidt: A Hybrid Transgenetic Algorithm for the Prize Collecting Steiner Tree Problem. J. UCS 14(15): 2491-2511 (2008)
11EEElizabeth Ferreira Gouvea Goldbarg, Marco César Goldbarg, Ligia B. Bagi: Transgenetic algorithm: a new evolutionary perspective for heuristics design. GECCO (Companion) 2007: 2701-2708
10EERichard A. Gonçalves, Carolina P. de Almeida, Myriam Regattieri Delgado, Elizabeth Ferreira Gouvea Goldbarg, Marco César Goldbarg: A Cultural Immune System for Economic Load Dispatch with Non-smooth Cost Functions. ICARIS 2007: 382-394
9EEDaniel A. M. Rocha, Elizabeth Ferreira Gouvea Goldbarg, Marco César Goldbarg: A Memetic Algorithm for the Biobjective Minimum Spanning Tree Problem. EvoCOP 2006: 222-233
8EEHerbert de Mélo Duarte, Elizabeth Ferreira Gouvea Goldbarg, Marco César Goldbarg: A Tabu Search Algorithm for Optimization of Gas Distribution Networks. EvoCOP 2006: 37-48
7EEElizabeth Ferreira Gouvea Goldbarg, Givanaldo R. de Souza, Marco César Goldbarg: Particle Swarm for the Traveling Salesman Problem. EvoCOP 2006: 99-110
6EEIloneide C. O. Ramos, Marco César Goldbarg, Elizabeth Ferreira Gouvea Goldbarg, Adrião Duarte Dória Neto: Logistic regression for parameter tuning on an evolutionary algorithm. Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2005: 1061-1068
5EEC. M. R. R. Lima, Marco César Goldbarg, Elizabeth Ferreira Gouvea Goldbarg: A Memetic Algorithm for the Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing Problem. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 18: 171-176 (2004)
4EEIloneide C. O. Ramos, Marco César Goldbarg, Elizabeth Ferreira Gouvea Goldbarg, Adrião Duarte Dória Neto, João P. F. Farias: A ProtoG Algorithm Applied to the Traveling Salesman Problem. SCCC 2003: 23-30
3 Marco César Goldbarg, Elizabeth Ferreira Gouvea, Francisco Dantas de Medeiros Neto: Piston Pump Mobile Unity Tour Problem: An Evolutionary View. GECCO 2002: 1264
2 Marco César Goldbarg, Elizabeth Ferreira Gouvea, Francisco Dantas de Medeiros Neto: Piston Pump Mobile Unity Tour Problem: An Evolutionary View. GECCO Late Breaking Papers 2002: 185-192
1 Nair Maria Maia de Abreu, Paulo Oswaldo Boaventura Netto, Tania Maia Querido, Elizabeth Ferreira Gouvea: Classes of quadratic assignment problem instances: isomorphism and difficulty measure using a statistical approach. Discrete Applied Mathematics 124(1-3): 103-116 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Nair Maria Maia de Abreu [1]
2Carolina P. de Almeida [10]
3Ligia B. Bagi [11]
4Andre B. de Carvalho [16]
5Myriam Regattieri Delgado [10] [15]
6Herbert de Mélo Duarte [8]
7João P. F. Farias [4]
8Marco César Goldbarg [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]
9Richard A. Gonçalves [10] [15]
10Celso Y. Ishida [16] [17]
11C. M. R. R. Lima [5]
12Nelson Maculan [13]
13Carlos R. A. Mendes [14]
14Sílvia M. D. Monteiro [18]
15Adrião Duarte Dória Neto [4] [6]
16Francisco Dantas de Medeiros Neto [2] [3]
17Paulo Oswaldo Boaventura Netto [1]
18Aurora Trinidad Ramirez Pozo (Aurora T. R. Pozo, Aurora Pozo) [16] [17]
19Tania Maia Querido [1]
20Iloneide C. O. Ramos [4] [6]
21Daniel A. M. Rocha [9]
22Cristine Cunha Schmidt [12]
23Givanaldo R. de Souza [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)