
A. Golbabai

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11EEA. Golbabai, S. Seifollahi: Radial basis function networks in the numerical solution of linear integro-differential equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 188(1): 427-432 (2007)
10EEM. Javidi, A. Golbabai: A numerical solution for solving system of Fredholm integral equations by using homotopy perturbation method. Applied Mathematics and Computation 189(2): 1921-1928 (2007)
9EEA. Golbabai, M. Javidi: A numerical solution for non-classical parabolic problem based on Chebyshev spectral collocation method. Applied Mathematics and Computation 190(1): 179-185 (2007)
8EEA. Golbabai, M. Javidi: Application of He's homotopy perturbation method for nth-order integro-differential equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 190(2): 1409-1416 (2007)
7EEA. Golbabai, M. Javidi: A new family of iterative methods for solving system of nonlinear algebric equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 190(2): 1717-1722 (2007)
6EEA. Golbabai, M. Javidi: New iterative methods for nonlinear equations by modified HPM. Applied Mathematics and Computation 191(1): 122-127 (2007)
5EEA. Golbabai, M. Javidi: A third-order Newton type method for nonlinear equations based on modified homotopy perturbation method. Applied Mathematics and Computation 191(1): 199-205 (2007)
4EEA. Golbabai, M. Javidi: Application of homotopy perturbation method for solving eighth-order boundary value problems. Applied Mathematics and Computation 191(2): 334-346 (2007)
3EEA. Golbabai, M. Javidi: Newton-like iterative methods for solving system of non-linear equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 192(2): 546-551 (2007)
2EEA. Golbabai, S. Seifollahi: Numerical solution of the second kind integral equations using radial basis function networks. Applied Mathematics and Computation 174(2): 877-883 (2006)
1EEA. Golbabai, S. Seifollahi: An iterative solution for the second kind integral equations using radial basis functions. Applied Mathematics and Computation 181(2): 903-907 (2006)

Coauthor Index

1M. Javidi [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
2S. Seifollahi [1] [2] [11]

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