
Marcel J. E. Golay

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4 Marcel J. E. Golay, Duncan B. Harris: A new search for skewsymmetric binary sequences with optimal merit factors. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 36(5): 1163- (1990)
3 Marcel J. E. Golay: The merit factor of Legendre sequences. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 29(6): 934- (1983)
2 Marcel J. E. Golay: The merit factor of long low autocorrelation binary sequences. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 28(3): 543- (1982)
1 Marcel J. E. Golay: Topoglyphs. IEEE Trans. Computers 27(2): 164-167 (1978)

Coauthor Index

1Duncan B. Harris [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)