
James E. Goin

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4EEJames E. Goin, JoAnn D. Haberman: Automated breast cancer detection by thermography: performance goal and diagnostic feature identification. Pattern Recognition 16(2): 125-129 (1983)
3EEJames E. Goin, Steven L. Fritz: A matrix approach to data base exploration: Analysis of classifier results. Pattern Recognition 16(2): 243-252 (1983)
2EEJames E. Goin: ROC curve estimation and hypothesis testing: applications to breast cancer detection. Pattern Recognition 15(3): 263-269 (1982)
1 James E. Goin, JoAnn D. Haberman: Automated breast cancer detection by thermography: performance goal and diagnostic feature identification. Pattern Recognition 15(5): 425 (1982)

Coauthor Index

1Steven L. Fritz [3]
2JoAnn D. Haberman [1] [4]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)