
William Goffman

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8EEWilliam Goffman: A Mathematical Method for Analyzing the Growth of a Scientific Discipline. J. ACM 18(2): 173-185 (1971)
7EEWilliam Goffman: An indirect method of information retrieval. Information Storage and Retrieval 4(4): 361-373 (1968)
6EEWilliam Goffman, Vaun A. Newill: A methodology for test and evaluation of information retrieval systems. Information Storage and Retrieval 3(1): 19-25 (1966)
5EEWilliam Goffman: On the logic of information retrieval. Information Storage and Retrieval 2(4): 217-220 (1965)
4EEJack Belzer, William Goffman: Theoretical considerations in information retrieval systems. Commun. ACM 7(7): 439-442 (1964)
3EEWilliam Goffman: A searching procedure for information retrieval. Information Storage and Retrieval 2(2): 73-78 (1964)
2EEWilliam Goffman: On relevance as a measure. Information Storage and Retrieval 2(3): 201-203 (1964)
1EEJ. Verhoeff, William Goffman, Jack Belzer: Inefficiency of the use of Boolean functions for information retrieval systems. Commun. ACM 4(12): 557-558 (1961)

Coauthor Index

1Jack Belzer [1] [4]
2Vaun A. Newill [6]
3J. Verhoeff [1]

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