
John Goddard

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8EEJohn Goddard, Manouche Tavakoli: Efficiency and welfare implications of managed public sector hospital waiting lists. European Journal of Operational Research 184(2): 778-792 (2008)
7EEHugo Leonardo Rufiner, César E. Martínez, Diego H. Milone, John Goddard: Auditory Cortical Representations of Speech Signals for Phoneme Classification. MICAI 2007: 1004-1014
6EEJohn Goddard, René MacKinney-Romero: Finding Spanish Syllabification Rules with Decision Trees. FinTAL 2006: 333-340
5EERené MacKinney-Romero, John Goddard: Inferring Rules for Finding Syllables in Spanish. MICAI 2005: 800-805
4EEMiguel A. Castro-García, Graciela Román-Alonso, Jorge Buenabad Chávez, Alma Martínez, John Goddard: Integration of Load Balancing into a Parallel Evolutionary Algorithm. ISSADS 2004: 219-230
3 René MacKinney-Romero, John Goddard: Early results on Inferring Rules for finding syllables in Spanish. International Conference on Computational Intelligence 2004: 85-88
2EEStephen Dobson, John Goddard: Persistence in sequences of football match results: A Monte Carlo analysis. European Journal of Operational Research 148(2): 247-256 (2003)
1 B. S. Thornton, T. M. Park, John Goddard, J. M. Hughes: Staffing and Training Implications of Australian Software Export: Targets - From a National Input-Output Study. Australian Computer Journal 20(4): 161-167 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Miguel A. Castro-García [4]
2Jorge Buenabad Chávez [4]
3Stephen Dobson [2]
4J. M. Hughes [1]
5René MacKinney-Romero [3] [5] [6]
6Alma Martínez [4]
7César E. Martínez [7]
8Diego H. Milone [7]
9T. M. Park [1]
10Graciela Román-Alonso [4]
11Hugo Leonardo Rufiner [7]
12Manouche Tavakoli [8]
13B. S. Thornton [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)