
Krzysztof Goczyla

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13EEKrzysztof Goczyla, Wojciech Waloszek, Aleksander Waloszek: Contextualization of a DL Knowledge Base. Description Logics 2007
12 Krzysztof Goczyla, Aleksander Waloszek, Wojciech Waloszek, Teresa Zawadzka, Michal Zawadzki: Ontological Queries Supporting Decision Process in KaSeA System. EJC 2006: 17-29
11EEKrzysztof Goczyla, Teresa Grabowska, Wojciech Waloszek, Michal Zawadzki: The Knowledge Cartography - A New Approach to Reasoning over Description Logics Ontologies. SOFSEM 2006: 293-302
10EEKrzysztof Goczyla, Teresa Grabowska, Wojciech Waloszek, Michal Zawadzki: The Cartographer Algorithm for Processing and Querying Description Logics Ontologies. AWIC 2005: 163-169
9 Krzysztof Goczyla: Capturing Semantics of Semi-Structured Data using Partial-Order Trees. Databases and Applications 2005: 216-221
8EEKrzysztof Goczyla, Teresa Grabowska, Wojciech Waloszek, Michal Zawadzki: Cartographic Approach to Knowledge Representation and Management in KaSeA. Description Logics 2005
7EEKrzysztof Goczyla, Teresa Grabowska, Wojciech Waloszek, Michal Zawadzki: Hybrid Architecture of DL Knowledge Base in KaSeA. Description Logics 2005
6 Krzysztof Goczyla, Teresa Grabowska, Wojciech Waloszek, Michal Zawadzki: Designing World Closures for Knowledge-Based System Engineering. Software Engineering: Evolution and Emerging Technologies 2005: 271-282
5 Krzysztof Goczyla, Teresa Grabowska, Wojciech Waloszek, Michal Zawadzki: Inference Mechanisms for Knowledge Management System in E-health Environment. Software Engineering: Evolution and Emerging Technologies 2005: 418-423
4EEKrzysztof Goczyla: Web-Based Integrated Timetable Information System for Railways and Airlines. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 50(1): (2001)
3EEKrzysztof Goczyla: Indexing on Multivalued Attributed Using Partial-Order Trees. ADBIS (Short Papers) 1999: 16-23
2EEKrzysztof Goczyla: The Partial-Order Tree: A New Structure for Indexing on Complex Attributes in Object Oriented Databases. EUROMICRO 1997: 47-54
1 Krzysztof Goczyla: Exploiting class hierarchy for effective parallelisation of processing in object-oriented database systems. Journal of Systems Architecture 43(1-5): 291-295 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Teresa Grabowska [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11]
2Aleksander Waloszek [12] [13]
3Wojciech Waloszek [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [13]
4Teresa Zawadzka [12]
5Michal Zawadzki [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)