
Georgi Gluhchev

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9EEGeorgi Gluhchev, Ognian Boumbarov: Automatic Evaluation of Stroke Slope. BIOID 2008: 200-205
8EEGeorgi Gluhchev, Mladen Savov, Ognian Boumbarov: Class-dependent feature weights evaluation. CompSysTech 2007: 95
7EEOgnian Boumbarov, Strahil Sokolov, Georgi Gluhchev: Combined face recognition using wavelet packets and radial basis function neural network. CompSysTech 2007: 98
6EEGeorgi Gluhchev, Mladen Savov, Ognian Boumbarov, Diana Vasileva: A New Approach to Signature-Based Authentication. ICB 2007: 594-603
5EEVladimir Shapiro, Georgi Gluhchev, Dimo Dimov: Towards a Multinational Car License Plate Recognition System. Mach. Vis. Appl. 17(3): 173-183 (2006)
4EEVladimir Shapiro, Georgi Gluhchev: Multinational License Plate Recognition System: Segmentation and Classification. ICPR (4) 2004: 352-355
3EEGeorgi Gluhchev, Krassimir T. Atanassov, Stefan Todorov Hadjitodorov, Eulalia Szmidt, Anthony G. Shannon: Intuitionistic fuzzy generalized net model of the process of handwriting analysis. EUSFLAT Conf. 2003: 218-222
2EEGeorgi Gluhchev, S. Shalev: The systematic error detection as a classification problem. Pattern Recognition Letters 17(12): 1233-1238 (1996)
1EEVladimir Shapiro, Georgi Gluhchev, Vassil Stoyanov Sgurev: Handwritten document image segmentation and analysis. Pattern Recognition Letters 14(1): 71-78 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Krassimir T. Atanassov [3]
2Ognian Boumbarov [6] [7] [8] [9]
3Dimo Dimov [5]
4Stefan Todorov Hadjitodorov [3]
5Mladen Savov [6] [8]
6Vassil Stoyanov Sgurev [1]
7S. Shalev [2]
8Anthony G. Shannon [3]
9Vladimir Shapiro [1] [4] [5]
10Strahil Sokolov [7]
11Eulalia Szmidt [3]
12Diana Vasileva [6]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)