
Keith Gladstone

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3EEKeith Gladstone, Cathy Rundle, Tara Alexander: Accessibility and Usability of eCommerce Systems. ICCHP 2002: 11-18
2EEHelen Graupp, Keith Gladstone, Leanne Thompson: Haptic Perception of 2D Pictures and 3D Objects: Accurate Mental Representation as a Function of Visual Status. ICCHP 2002: 543-550
1EEHelen Petrie, Wendy Fisher, Ine Langer, Gerhard Weber, Keith Gladstone, Cathy Rundle, Liesbeth Pyfers: Universal Interfaces to Multimedia Documents. ICMI 2002: 319-324

Coauthor Index

1Tara Alexander [3]
2Wendy Fisher [1]
3Helen Graupp [2]
4Ine Langer [1]
5Helen Petrie [1]
6Liesbeth Pyfers [1]
7Cathy Rundle [1] [3]
8Leanne Thompson [2]
9Gerhard Weber [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)