Christian Glasser
List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server - FAQ
2009 | ||
64 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Aduri Pavan, Stephen D. Travers: The Fault Tolerance of NP-Hard Problems. LATA 2009: 374-385 |
63 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Alan L. Selman, Stephen D. Travers, Liyu Zhang: Non-mitotic sets. Theor. Comput. Sci. 410(21-23): 2011-2023 (2009) |
2008 | ||
62 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Christian Reitwießner, Victor L. Selivanov: The Shrinking Property for NP and coNP. CiE 2008: 210-220 |
61 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Christian Reitwießner, Heinz Schmitz: Multiobjective Disk Cover Admits a PTAS. ISAAC 2008: 40-51 |
60 | EE | Christian Glaßer: Space-Efficient Informational Redundancy. ISAAC 2008: 448-459 |
59 | EE | Christian Glasser, Heinz Schmitz, Victor L. Selivanov: Efficient Algorithms for Membership in Boolean Hierarchies of Regular Languages. STACS 2008: 337-348 |
58 | EE | Christian Glasser, Heinz Schmitz, Victor L. Selivanov: Efficient Algorithms for Membership in Boolean Hierarchies of Regular Languages CoRR abs/0802.2868: (2008) |
57 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Christian Reitwießner, Victor L. Selivanov: The Shrinking Property for NP and coNP. Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 15(029): (2008) |
56 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Alan L. Selman, Stephen D. Travers, Klaus W. Wagner: The complexity of unions of disjoint sets. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 74(7): 1173-1187 (2008) |
55 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Aduri Pavan, Alan L. Selman, Liyu Zhang: Splitting NP-Complete Sets. SIAM J. Comput. 37(5): 1517-1535 (2008) |
54 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Heinz Schmitz: Languages of Dot-Depth 3/2. Theory Comput. Syst. 42(2): 256-286 (2008) |
2007 | ||
53 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Alan L. Selman, Liyu Zhang: The Informational Content of Canonical Disjoint NP-Pairs. COCOON 2007: 307-317 |
52 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Katrin Herr, Christian Reitwießner, Stephen D. Travers, Matthias Waldherr: Equivalence Problems for Circuits over Sets of Natural Numbers. CSR 2007: 127-138 |
51 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Alan L. Selman, Stephen D. Travers, Liyu Zhang: Non-mitotic Sets. FSTTCS 2007: 146-157 |
50 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Christian Reitwießner, Stephen D. Travers, Matthias Waldherr: Satisfiability of Algebraic Circuits over Sets of Natural Numbers. FSTTCS 2007: 253-264 |
49 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Alan L. Selman, Stephen D. Travers, Klaus W. Wagner: The Complexity of Unions of Disjoint Sets. STACS 2007: 248-259 |
48 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Alan L. Selman, Liyu Zhang: The Informational Content of Canonical Disjoint NP-Pairs. Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 14(018): (2007) |
47 | EE | Christian Glasser, Heinz Schmitz, Victor L. Selivanov: Efficient Algorithms for Membership in Boolean Hierarchies of Regular Languages. Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 14(094): (2007) |
46 | EE | Christian Glaßer: Languages polylog-time reducible to dot-depth 1/2. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 73(1): 36-56 (2007) |
45 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Mitsunori Ogihara, Aduri Pavan, Alan L. Selman, Liyu Zhang: Autoreducibility, mitoticity, and immunity. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 73(5): 735-754 (2007) |
44 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Alan L. Selman, Liyu Zhang: Canonical disjoint NP-pairs of propositional proof systems. Theor. Comput. Sci. 370(1-3): 60-73 (2007) |
2006 | ||
43 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Stephen D. Travers, Klaus W. Wagner: Perfect Correspondences Between Dot-Depth and Polynomial-Time Hierarchy. Developments in Language Theory 2006: 408-419 |
42 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Alan L. Selman, Liyu Zhang: Survey of Disjoint NP-pairs and Relations to Propositional Proof Systems. Essays in Memory of Shimon Even 2006: 241-253 |
41 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Stephen D. Travers: Machines that Can Output Empty Words. MFCS 2006: 436-446 |
40 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Aduri Pavan, Alan L. Selman, Liyu Zhang: Redundancy in Complete Sets. STACS 2006: 444-454 |
39 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Aduri Pavan, Alan L. Selman, Liyu Zhang: Mitosis in Computational Complexity. TAMC 2006: 61-67 |
38 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Alan L. Selman, Stephen D. Travers, Klaus W. Wagner: The Complexity of Unions of Disjoint Sets. Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 13(069): (2006) |
37 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Alan L. Selman, Stephen D. Travers, Liyu Zhang: Non-Mitotic Sets. Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 13(090): (2006) |
36 | EE | Elmar Böhler, Christian Glaßer, Daniel Meister: Error-bounded probabilistic computations between MA and AM. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 72(6): 1043-1076 (2006) |
35 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Aduri Pavan, Alan L. Selman, Samik Sengupta: Properties of NP-Complete Sets. SIAM J. Comput. 36(2): 516-542 (2006) |
2005 | ||
34 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Mitsunori Ogihara, Aduri Pavan, Alan L. Selman, Liyu Zhang: Autoreducibility, Mitoticity, and Immunity. MFCS 2005: 387-398 |
33 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Alan L. Selman, Liyu Zhang: Canonical Disjoint NP-Pairs of Propositional Proof Systems. MFCS 2005: 399-409 |
32 | EE | Christian Glaßer: Polylog-Time Reductions Decrease Dot-Depth. STACS 2005: 170-181 |
31 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Steffen Reith, Heribert Vollmer: The complexity of base station positioning in cellular networks. Discrete Applied Mathematics 148(1): 1-12 (2005) |
30 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Mitsunori Ogihara, Aduri Pavan, Alan L. Selman, Liyu Zhang: Autoreducibility, Mitoticity, and Immunity Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(011): (2005) |
29 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Stephen D. Travers, Klaus W. Wagner: A Reducibility that Corresponds to Unbalanced Leaf-Language Classes Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(035): (2005) |
28 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Aduri Pavan, Alan L. Selman, Liyu Zhang: Redundancy in Complete Sets Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(068): (2005) |
27 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Alan L. Selman, Liyu Zhang: Survey of Disjoint NP-Pairs and Relations to Propositional Proof Systems Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(072): (2005) |
26 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Stephen D. Travers: Machines that can Output Empty Words Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(147): (2005) |
25 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Alan L. Selman, Samik Sengupta: Reductions between disjoint NP-Pairs. Inf. Comput. 200(2): 247-267 (2005) |
24 | EE | Elmar Böhler, Christian Glaßer, Bernhard Schwarz, Klaus W. Wagner: Generation problems. Theor. Comput. Sci. 345(2-3): 260-295 (2005) |
2004 | ||
23 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Aduri Pavan, Alan L. Selman, Samik Sengupta: Properties of NP-Complete Sets. IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 2004: 184-197 |
22 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Alan L. Selman, Samik Sengupta: Reductions between Disjoint NP-Pairs. IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 2004: 42-53 |
21 | EE | Elmar Böhler, Christian Glaßer, Bernhard Schwarz, Klaus W. Wagner: Generation Problems. MFCS 2004: 392-403 |
20 | EE | Marcel Crâsmaru, Christian Glaßer, Kenneth W. Regan, Samik Sengupta: A Protocol for Serializing Unique Strategies. MFCS 2004: 660-672 |
19 | EE | Christian Glaßer: Counting with Counterfree Automata Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(011): (2004) |
18 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Aduri Pavan, Alan L. Selman, Samik Sengupta: Properties of NP-Complete Sets Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(019): (2004) |
17 | EE | Elmar Böhler, Christian Glaßer, Bernhard Schwarz, Klaus W. Wagner: Generation Problems Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(037): (2004) |
16 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Alan L. Selman, Liyu Zhang: Canonical Disjoint NP-Pairs of Propositional Proof Systems Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(106): (2004) |
15 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Alan L. Selman, Samik Sengupta, Liyu Zhang: Disjoint NP-Pairs. SIAM J. Comput. 33(6): 1369-1416 (2004) |
2003 | ||
14 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Alan L. Selman, Samik Sengupta, Liyu Zhang: Disjoint NP-Pairs. IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 2003: 313-332 |
13 | EE | Elmar Böhler, Christian Glaßer, Daniel Meister: Error-Bounded Probabilistic Computations between MA and AM. MFCS 2003: 249-258 |
12 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Alan L. Selman, Samik Sengupta, Liyu Zhang: Disjoint NP-Pairs Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 10(011): (2003) |
11 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Alan L. Selman, Samik Sengupta: Reductions between Disjoint NP-Pairs Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 10(027): (2003) |
10 | EE | Elmar Böhler, Christian Glaßer, Daniel Meister: Small Bounded-Error Computations and Completeness Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(069): (2003) |
9 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Gerd Wechsung: Relativizing Function Classes. J. UCS 9(1): 34-50 (2003) |
2001 | ||
8 | EE | Matthias Galota, Christian Glaßer, Steffen Reith, Heribert Vollmer: A polynomial-time approximation scheme for base station positioning in UMTS networks. DIAL-M 2001: 52-59 |
7 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Heinz Schmitz: Level 5/2 of the Straubing-Thérien Hierarchy for Two-Letter Alphabets. Developments in Language Theory 2001: 251-261 |
6 | Christian Glaßer, Heinz Schmitz: The Boolean Structure of Dot-Depth One. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics 6(4): 437-452 (2001) | |
2000 | ||
5 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Heinz Schmitz: Decidable Hierarchies of Starfree Languages. FSTTCS 2000: 503-515 |
4 | Christian Glaßer, Steffen Reith, Heribert Vollmer: The Complexity of Base Station Positioning in Cellular Networks. ICALP Satellite Workshops 2000: 167-178 | |
3 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Heinz Schmitz: Languages of Dot-Depth 3/2. STACS 2000: 555-566 |
2 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Lane A. Hemaspaandra: A Moment of Perfect Clarity I: The Parallel Census Technique CoRR cs.CC/0007025: (2000) |
1 | EE | Christian Glaßer, Lane A. Hemaspaandra: A Moment of Perfect Clarity II: Consequences of Sparse Sets Hard for NP with Respect to Weak Reductions CoRR cs.CC/0011019: (2000) |