
Giovanni Giuffrida

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7EEGiovanni Giuffrida, Catarina Sismeiro, Giuseppe Tribulato: Automatic content targeting on mobile phones. EDBT 2008: 630-639
6EEGiovanni Giuffrida, Eddie C. Shek, Jihoon Yang: Knowledge-based metadata extraction from PostScript files. ACM DL 2000: 77-84
5EEWesley T. Chuang, Asok Tiyyagura, Jihoon Yang, Giovanni Giuffrida: A Fast Algorithm for Hierarchical Text Classification. DaWaK 2000: 409-418
4EEGiovanni Giuffrida, Wesley W. Chu, Dominique M. Hanssens: Mining Classification Rules from Datasets with Large Number of Many-Valued Attributes. EDBT 2000: 335-349
3 Eddie C. Shek, Son K. Dao, Yongguang Zhang, Darrel J. Van Buer, Giovanni Giuffrida: Intelligent information dissemination services in hybrid satellite-wireless networks. MONET 5(4): 273-284 (2000)
2EEEddie C. Shek, Giovanni Giuffrida, Suhas Joshi, Son Dao: Dynamic Spatial Clustering for Intelligent Mobile Information Sharing and Dissemination. SSD 1999: 132-146
1EEGiovanni Giuffrida, Lee G. Cooper, Wesley W. Chu: A Scalable Bottum-Up Data Mining Algorithm for Relational Databases. SSDBM 1998: 206-209

Coauthor Index

1Darrel J. Van Buer [3]
2Wesley W. Chu [1] [4]
3Wesley T. Chuang [5]
4Lee G. Cooper [1]
5Son Dao [2]
6Son K. Dao [3]
7Dominique M. Hanssens [4]
8Suhas Joshi [2]
9Eddie C. Shek [2] [3] [6]
10Catarina Sismeiro [7]
11Asok Tiyyagura [5]
12Giuseppe Tribulato [7]
13Jihoon Yang [5] [6]
14Yongguang Zhang [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)