
Reinaldo E. Giudici

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5EEJ. G. Fernandes, Reinaldo E. Giudici: Isomorphism between Cayley (di)graphs. Discrete Mathematics 305(1-3): 361-364 (2005)
4EEPedro Berrizbeitia, Reinaldo E. Giudici: On cycles in the sequence of unitary Cayley graphs. Discrete Mathematics 282(1-3): 239-243 (2004)
3EEReinaldo E. Giudici, Aurora A. Olivieri: Quadratic modulo 2n Cayley graphs. Discrete Mathematics 215: 73-79 (2000)
2EEPedro Berrizbeitia, Reinaldo E. Giudici: Counting pure k cycles in sequences of Cayley graphs. Discrete Mathematics 149(1-3): 11-18 (1996)
1EEPablo M. Salzberg, Miguel A. López, Reinaldo E. Giudici: On the chromatic uniquenes of bipartite graphs. Discrete Mathematics 58(3): 285-294 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Pedro Berrizbeitia [2] [4]
2J. G. Fernandes [5]
3Miguel A. López [1]
4Aurora A. Olivieri [3]
5Pablo M. Salzberg [1]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)