1994 |
4 | | Mahesh Girkar,
Robert Moll:
New Results on the Analysis of Concurrent Systems with an Infinite Number of Processes.
CONCUR 1994: 65-80 |
1993 |
3 | | J. David Narkiewicz,
Mahesh Girkar,
Manoj Srivastava,
Arthur S. Gaylord,
Mustafizur Rahman:
Pilgrim's OSF DCE-based Services Architecture.
DCE Workshop 1993: 120-134 |
2 | | Mahesh Girkar,
Robert Moll:
Vector Sequence Analysis and Full Weak Safety for Concurrent Systems.
FCT 1993: 256-265 |
1 | | Jayanta K. Dey,
James F. Kurose,
Donald F. Towsley,
C. M. Krishna,
Mahesh Girkar:
Efficient On-Line Processor Scheduling for a Class of IRIS (Increasing Reward with Increasing Service.) Real-Time Tasks.
SIGMETRICS 1993: 217-228 |