
Stefano Giordani

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15EEMassimiliano Caramia, Stefano Giordani: On the effectiveness of the Harmonic Shelf Algorithm for on-line strip packing. Discrete Mathematics 308(16): 3699-3703 (2008)
14EEGiuseppe Confessore, Stefano Giordani, Silvia Rismondo: A market-based multi-agent system model for decentralized multi-project scheduling. Annals OR 150(1): 115-135 (2007)
13EEPasquale Carotenuto, Stefano Giordani, Salvatore Ricciardelli: Finding minimum and equitable risk routes for hazmat shipments. Computers & OR 34(5): 1304-1327 (2007)
12EEPasquale Carotenuto, Stefano Giordani, Salvatore Ricciardelli, Silvia Rismondo: A tabu search approach for scheduling hazmat shipments. Computers & OR 34(5): 1328-1350 (2007)
11EELucio Bianco, Paolo Dell'Olmo, Stefano Giordani: Scheduling models for air traffic control in terminal areas. J. Scheduling 9(3): 223-253 (2006)
10EEMassimiliano Caramia, Stefano Giordani, Antonio Iovanella: Grid scheduling by on-line rectangle packing. Networks 44(2): 106-119 (2004)
9 Giuseppe Confessore, Stefano Giordani, Giuseppe Stecca: A Distributed Simulation Model For Inventory Management In A Supply Chain. PRO-VE 2003: 423-430
8EEMassimiliano Caramia, Stefano Giordani, Antonio Iovanella: An On-Line Algorithm for the Rectangle Packing Problem with Rejection. WEA 2003: 59-69
7EEGiuseppe Confessore, Paolo Dell'Olmo, Stefano Giordani: Complexity and approximation results for scheduling multiprocessor tasks on a ring. Discrete Applied Mathematics 133(1-3): 29-44 (2003)
6EEMassimiliano Caramia, Stefano Giordani: A new graph model and heuristic algorithm for multi-mode task scheduling problem. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 13: 30-33 (2003)
5 Massimiliano Caramia, Pasquale Carotenuto, Stefano Giordani, Antonio Iovanella: Using Rejection Methods in a DSS for Production Strategies. BASYS 2002: 419-426
4 Giuseppe Confessore, Paolo Dell'Olmo, Stefano Giordani: An approximation result for the interval coloring problem on claw-free chordal graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 120(1-3): 73-90 (2002)
3 Giuseppe Confessore, Paolo Dell'Olmo, Stefano Giordani: An approximation result for a periodic allocation problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics 112(1-3): 53-72 (2001)
2EEGiuseppe Confessore, Paolo Dell'Olmo, Stefano Giordani: Vertex Partitioning of Crown-Free Interval Graphs. WG 1999: 391-401
1EEPaolo Dell'Olmo, Stefano Giordani, Maria Grazia Speranza: An Approximation Result for a Duo-Processor Task Scheduling Problem. Inf. Process. Lett. 61(4): 195-200 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Lucio Bianco [11]
2Massimiliano Caramia [5] [6] [8] [10] [15]
3Pasquale Carotenuto [5] [12] [13]
4Giuseppe Confessore [2] [3] [4] [7] [9] [14]
5Paolo Dell'Olmo [1] [2] [3] [4] [7] [11]
6Antonio Iovanella [5] [8] [10]
7Salvatore Ricciardelli [12] [13]
8Silvia Rismondo [12] [14]
9Maria Grazia Speranza [1]
10Giuseppe Stecca [9]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)