2008 |
9 | | Glenn G. Chappell,
John Gimbel,
Chris Hartman:
Bounds on the metric and partition dimensions of a graph.
Ars Comb. 88: (2008) |
2003 |
8 | EE | John Gimbel:
Some Remarks on the Convexity Number of a Graph.
Graphs and Combinatorics 19(3): 357-361 (2003) |
2002 |
7 | EE | John Gimbel,
Jaroslav Nesetril:
Partitions of Graphs into Cographs.
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 11: 705-721 (2002) |
2000 |
6 | EE | John Gimbel,
Carsten Thomassen:
Coloring triangle-free graphs with fixed size.
Discrete Mathematics 219(1-3): 275-277 (2000) |
1999 |
5 | EE | Celina M. Herrera de Figueiredo,
John Gimbel,
Célia Picinin de Mello,
Jayme Luiz Szwarcfiter:
Linear-time Algorithms for Maximum Sets of Sources and sinks.
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 3: 230-234 (1999) |
1997 |
4 | EE | John Gimbel,
Maryvonne Mahéo,
Christine Virlouvet:
Double total domination of graphs.
Discrete Mathematics 165-166: 343-351 (1997) |
1991 |
3 | EE | John Gimbel,
Edgar M. Palmer:
Matchings and cycle covers in random digraphs.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 34(1-3): 121-128 (1991) |
1988 |
2 | EE | John Gimbel:
End vertices in interval graphs.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 21(3): 257-259 (1988) |
1985 |
1 | EE | Dale Skrien,
John Gimbel:
Homogeneously representable interval graphs.
Discrete Mathematics 55(2): 213-216 (1985) |