
Robert H. Gilman

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7EERobert H. Gilman, Alexei G. Myasnikov, Alex D. Myasnikov, Alexander Ushakov: Report on Generic Case Complexity CoRR abs/0707.1364: (2007)
6EEAhmed A. Majeed, Niyaz Ahmed, K. Rajender Rao, S. Ghousunnissa, Farhana Kauser, Buddhaditta Bose, Hampapathalu A. Nagarajaram, V. M. Katoch, Debby V. Cousins, Leonardo A. Sechi, Robert H. Gilman, Seyed E. Hasnain: AmpliBASE MTTM: a Mycobacterium tuberculosis diversity knowledgebase. Bioinformatics 20(6): 989-992 (2004)
5EEMartin R. Bridson, Robert H. Gilman: Context-Free Languages of Sub-exponential Growth. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 64(2): 308-310 (2002)
4EERobert H. Gilman: A Shrinking Lemma for Indexed Languages. Theor. Comput. Sci. 163(1&2): 277-281 (1996)
3 Robert H. Gilman: Automatic Groups and String Rewriting. Term Rewriting 1993: 127-134
2 Robert H. Gilman: Computations with Rational Subsets of Confluent Groups. EUROSAM 1984: 207-212
1 Robert H. Gilman: Characteristically Simple 0-Categorical Groups. J. Symb. Log. 49(3): 900-907 (1984)

Coauthor Index

1Niyaz Ahmed [6]
2Buddhaditta Bose [6]
3Martin R. Bridson [5]
4Debby V. Cousins [6]
5S. Ghousunnissa [6]
6Seyed E. Hasnain [6]
7V. M. Katoch [6]
8Farhana Kauser [6]
9Ahmed A. Majeed [6]
10Alex D. Myasnikov [7]
11Alexei G. Myasnikov [7]
12Hampapathalu A. Nagarajaram [6]
13K. Rajender Rao [6]
14Leonardo A. Sechi [6]
15Alexander Ushakov [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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