
Forbes Gibb

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6EENoorhidawati Abdullah, Forbes Gibb: Using a Task-Based Approach in Evaluating the Usability of BoBIs in an E-book Environment. ECIR 2008: 246-257
5EEShengli Wu, Fabio Crestani, Forbes Gibb: New Methods of Results Merging for Distributed Information Retrieval. Distributed Multimedia Information Retrieval 2003: 84-100
4EEShengli Wu, Forbes Gibb, Fabio Crestani: Experiments with Document Archive Size Detection. ECIR 2003: 294-304
3EENorshuhada Shiratuddin, Monica Landoni, Forbes Gibb, Shahizan Hassan: E-Book Technology and Its Potential Applications in Distance Education. J. Digit. Inf. 3(4): (2003)
2EERuth Wilson, Monica Landoni, Forbes Gibb: Guidelines for Designing Electronic Books. ECDL 2002: 47-60
1EEMonica Landoni, Ruth Wilson, Forbes Gibb: From the Visual Book to the WEB Book: The Importance of Good Design. ECDL 2000: 305-314

Coauthor Index

1Noorhidawati Abdullah [6]
2Fabio Crestani [4] [5]
3Shahizan Hassan [3]
4Monica Landoni [1] [2] [3]
5Norshuhada Shiratuddin [3]
6Ruth Wilson [1] [2]
7Shengli Wu [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)