2009 |
5 | | Giovanni Giachetti,
Beatriz Marín,
Oscar Pastor:
Integración de UML y DSMLs en Entornos de Desarrollo Dirigido por Modelos.
CIbSE 2009: 103-108 |
4 | | Beatriz Marín,
Giovanni Giachetti,
Oscar Pastor,
Alain Abran:
Identificación de Defectos en Modelos Conceptuales utilizados en Entornos MDA.
CIbSE 2009: 109-114 |
2008 |
3 | EE | Giovanni Giachetti,
Francisco Valverde,
Oscar Pastor:
Improving Automatic UML2 Profile Generation for MDA Industrial Development.
ER Workshops 2008: 113-122 |
2 | EE | Beatriz Marín,
Giovanni Giachetti,
Oscar Pastor:
Measurement of Functional Size in Conceptual Models: A Survey of Measurement Procedures Based on COSMIC.
IWSM/Metrikon/Mensura 2008: 170-183 |
1 | EE | Beatriz Marín,
Oscar Pastor,
Giovanni Giachetti:
Automating the Measurement of Functional Size of Conceptual Models in an MDA Environment.
PROFES 2008: 215-229 |