
Joumana Ghosn

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4EENicolas Chapados, Yoshua Bengio, Pascal Vincent, Joumana Ghosn, Charles Dugas, Ichiro Takeuchi, Linyan Meng: Estimating Car Insurance Premia: a Case Study in High-Dimensional Data Inference. NIPS 2001: 1369-1376
3EEJoumana Ghosn, Yoshua Bengio: Bias Learning, Knowledge Sharing. IJCNN (1) 2000: 9-14
2EEIngemar J. Cox, Joumana Ghosn, Peter N. Yianilos: Feature-Based Face Recognition Using Mixture-Distance. CVPR 1996: 209-
1EEJoumana Ghosn, Yoshua Bengio: Multi-Task Learning for Stock Selection. NIPS 1996: 946-952

Coauthor Index

1Yoshua Bengio [1] [3] [4]
2Nicolas Chapados [4]
3Ingemar J. Cox [2]
4Charles Dugas [4]
5Linyan Meng [4]
6Ichiro Takeuchi [4]
7Pascal Vincent [4]
8Peter N. Yianilos [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)