
Sampson Gholston

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5EECara Stein, Letha H. Etzkorn, Sampson Gholston, Phillip A. Farrington, Dawn R. Utley, Glenn W. Cox, Julie Fortune: Semantic Metrics: Metrics Based on Semantic Aspects of Software. Applied Artificial Intelligence 23(1): 44-77 (2009)
4EEHector M. Olague, Letha H. Etzkorn, Sampson Gholston, Stephen Quattlebaum: Empirical Validation of Three Software Metrics Suites to Predict Fault-Proneness of Object-Oriented Classes Developed Using Highly Iterative or Agile Software Development Processes. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 33(6): 402-419 (2007)
3 Cara Stein, Letha H. Etzkorn, Glenn W. Cox, Phillip A. Farrington, Sampson Gholston, Dawn R. Utley, Julie Fortune: A New Suite of Metrics for Object-Oriented Software. Software Audit and Metrics 2004: 49-58
2EELetha H. Etzkorn, Sampson Gholston, Julie Fortune, Cara Stein, Dawn R. Utley, Phillip A. Farrington, Glenn W. Cox: A comparison of cohesion metrics for object-oriented systems. Information & Software Technology 46(10): 677-687 (2004)
1 Letha H. Etzkorn, Sampson Gholston, William E. Hughes Jr.: A semantic entropy metric. Journal of Software Maintenance 14(4): 293-310 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Glenn W. Cox [2] [3] [5]
2Letha H. Etzkorn [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
3Phillip A. Farrington [2] [3] [5]
4Julie Fortune [2] [3] [5]
5William E. Hughes Jr. [1]
6Hector M. Olague [4]
7Stephen Quattlebaum [4]
8Cara Stein [2] [3] [5]
9Dawn R. Utley [2] [3] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)