
Tarek F. Gharib

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6 Taysir H. A. Soliman, Tarek F. Gharib, Alshaimaa Abo-Alian, Mohammed Alsharkawy: A Lossless Compression Algorithm for DNA Sequences. ICEIS (2) 2008: 435-441
5EETarek F. Gharib, Mohamed Taha, Hamed Nassar: An efficient technique for incremental updating of association rules. Int. J. Hybrid Intell. Syst. 5(1): 45-53 (2008)
4EET. M. Nazmy, Khaled Ahmed Nagaty, Tarek F. Gharib, A. S. Abbass: An Image Signature Based PCNN for Skilled Forgery Signature Detection. Egyptian Computer Science Journal 26(2): (2004)
3 Mohamed F. Tolba, Mostafa G. Mostafa, Tarek F. Gharib, Mohammed Abdel-Megeed Salem: MR-Brain Image Segmentation Using Gaussian Multiresolution Analysis and the EM Algorithm. ICEIS (2) 2003: 165-170
2 Tarek F. Gharib, Mostafa G. Mostafa: Data Clustering Using a two-Stage Fuzzy and Sequential K-means Algorithms. IC-AI 2002: 529-534
1 Tarek F. Gharib, Mostafa G. Mostafa, Mohamed F. Tolba: High Dimensional Data Clustering Using SOFM And K-Means Algorithms. ICEIS 2002: 488-493

Coauthor Index

1A. S. Abbass [4]
2Alshaimaa Abo-Alian [6]
3Mohammed Alsharkawy [6]
4Mostafa G. Mostafa [1] [2] [3]
5Khaled Ahmed Nagaty [4]
6Hamed Nassar [5]
7T. M. Nazmy [4]
8Mohammed Abdel-Megeed Salem [3]
9Taysir H. A. Soliman [6]
10Mohamed Taha [5]
11Mohamed F. Tolba [1] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)