
Robert Y. Geva

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3EEJinpyo Kim, Wei-Chung Hsu, Pen-Chung Yew, Sreekumar R. Nair, Robert Y. Geva: Entropy-Based Profile Characterization and Classification for Automatic Profile Management. Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference 2007: 40-51
2 Azaria Paz, Robert Y. Geva, Milan Studený: Representation of Irrelevance Relations by Annotated Graphs. Fundam. Inform. 42(2): 149-199 (2000)
1 Robert Y. Geva, Azaria Paz: Toward a Complete Representation of Graphoids in Graphs (Abridged Version). WG 1989: 46-62

Coauthor Index

1Wei-Chung Hsu [3]
2Jinpyo Kim [3]
3Sreekumar R. Nair [3]
4Azaria Paz [1] [2]
5Milan Studený [2]
6Pen-Chung Yew [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)