
Wolfgang Gerteis

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6 Wolfgang Theilmann, Wolfgang Gerteis, Jana Abbing: User-defined Learning Strategies. DeLFI 2006: 183-194
5EEWolfgang Gerteis, Joachim Schaper: Instructional Design for Collaborative E-Learning. WETICE 2003: 11
4 Max Mühlhäuser, Wolfgang Gerteis, Lutz Heuser: DOCASE: A Methodic Approach to Distributed Programming. Commun. ACM 36(9): 127-138 (1993)
3 Wolfgang Gerteis, Wolfgang Wirz: Synchronizing Objects by Conditional Path Expressions. TOOLS (6) 1992: 193-201
2 Christian Zeidler, Wolfgang Gerteis: Distribution: Another Milestone of Application Management Issues. TOOLS (7) 1992: 87-99
1 M. Staudenmaier, Lutz Heuser, Wolfgang Gerteis: Designing Distributed Application Processes for Enterprise Integration. Open Distributed Processing 1991: 427-431

Coauthor Index

1Jana Abbing [6]
2Lutz Heuser [1] [4]
3Max Mühlhäuser [4]
4Joachim Schaper [5]
5M. Staudenmaier [1]
6Wolfgang Theilmann [6]
7Wolfgang Wirz [3]
8Christian Zeidler [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)