
Peter Gerstl

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12EEPeter Gerstl: Text Mining. Datenbank-Spektrum 12: 44-47 (2005)
11EEPeter Gerstl, Matthias Hertweck, Birgit Kuhn: Text Mining: Grundlagen, Verfahren und Anwendungen. HMD - Praxis Wirtschaftsinform. 222: (2001)
10EEAdrian Müller, Jochen Dörre, Peter Gerstl, Roland Seiffert: The TaxGen Framework: Automating the Generation of a Taxonomy for a Large Document Collection. HICSS 1999
9EEJochen Dörre, Peter Gerstl, Roland Seiffert: Text Mining: Finding Nuggets in Mountains of Textual Data. KDD 1999: 398-401
8EEPeter Gerstl, Simone Pribbenow: A Conceptual Theory of Part-Whole Relations and its Applications. Data Knowl. Eng. 20(3): 305-322 (1996)
7EEPeter Gerstl, Simone Pribbenow: Midwinters, end games, and body parts: a classification of part-whole relations. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 43(5-6): 865-889 (1995)
6 Peter Gerstl: Praxisgerechte Verwaltung der Ontologie. Ontologie und Axiomatik der Wissensbasis von LILOG 1992: 201-212
5 Peter Gerstl: Kommentar zu C. Maienborn. Ontologie und Axiomatik der Wissensbasis von LILOG 1992: 95-99
4 Peter Gerstl: Linking linguistic and non-linguistic information. Data Knowl. Eng. 8: 205-222 (1992)
3 Peter Gerstl: Mengenkonzepte in Unifikationsgrammatiken IWBS Report 223: (1992)
2 Peter Gerstl: A Model for the Interaction of Lexical and Non-Lexical Knowledge in the Determination of Word Meaning. SIGLEX Workshop 1991: 201-218
1 Manfred Börkel, Peter Gerstl: A Knowledge Engineering Environment for LILOG. Text Understanding in LILOG 1991: 482-489

Coauthor Index

1Manfred Börkel [1]
2Jochen Dörre [9] [10]
3Matthias Hertweck [11]
4Birgit Kuhn [11]
5Adrian Müller [10]
6Simone Pribbenow [7] [8]
7Roland Seiffert [9] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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