
Anne Germa

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6EEAnne Germa, Marie-Claude Heydemann, Dominique Sotteau: Cycles in the cube-connected cycles graph. Discrete Applied Mathematics 83(1-3): 135-155 (1998)
5 Dominique Barth, Anne Germa, Marie-Claude Heydemann, Dominique Sotteau: Emulating Networks by Bus Networks: Application to Trees and Hypermeshes. SIROCCO 1996: 241-254
4EEDenise Amar, Evelyne Flandrin, Irène Fournier, Anne Germa: Pancyclism in hamiltonian graphs. Discrete Mathematics 89(2): 111-131 (1991)
3EEDenise Amar, Evelyne Flandrin, Irène Fournier, Anne Germa: Hamiltonian pancyclic graphs. Discrete Mathematics 46(3): 327 (1983)
2 Jean-Claude Bermond, Anne Germa, Marie-Claude Heydemann, Dominique Sotteau: Longest paths in digraphs. Combinatorica 1(4): 337-341 (1981)
1 Jean-Claude Bermond, Anne Germa, Dominique Sotteau: Resolvable Decomposition of Kn. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 26(2): 179-185 (1979)

Coauthor Index

1Denise Amar [3] [4]
2Dominique Barth [5]
3Jean-Claude Bermond [1] [2]
4Evelyne Flandrin [3] [4]
5Irène Fournier [3] [4]
6Marie-Claude Heydemann [2] [5] [6]
7Dominique Sotteau [1] [2] [5] [6]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)