
Daniel M. Germán

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43EEPeter C. Rigby, Daniel M. Germán, Margaret-Anne D. Storey: Open source software peer review practices: a case study of the apache server. ICSE 2008: 541-550
42EEGregorio Robles, Daniel M. Germán, Andrea Capiluppi: 1st workshop on maintenance and evolution of FLOSS (MEFLOSS). ICSM 2008: 410-411
41EEIsrael Herraiz, Daniel M. Germán, Jesús M. González-Barahona, Gregorio Robles: Towards a simplification of the bug report form in eclipse. MSR 2008: 145-148
40EEAbram Hindle, Daniel M. Germán, Richard C. Holt: What do large commits tell us?: a taxonomical study of large commits. MSR 2008: 99-108
39EEDaniel M. Germán, Gregorio Robles, Ahmed E. Hassan: Change Impact Graphs: Determining the Impact of Prior Code Changes. SCAM 2008: 184-193
38EEHolger M. Kienle, Daniel M. Germán, Scott R. Tilley, Hausi A. Müller: Managing legal risks associated with intellectual property on the web. IJBIS 3(1): 86-106 (2008)
37EEChris Bennett, Del Myers, Margaret-Anne D. Storey, Daniel M. Germán, D. Ouellet, Martin Salois, Philippe Charland: A survey and evaluation of tool features for understanding reverse-engineered sequence diagrams. Journal of Software Maintenance 20(4): 291-315 (2008)
36EEDaniel M. Germán, Pablo d'Angelo, Michael Gross, Bruno Postle: New Methods to Project Panoramas for Practical and Aesthetic Purposes. Computational Aesthetics 2007: 15-22
35EEDaniel M. Germán, Lloyd Burchill, Alexandre Duret-Lutz, Sébastien Pérez-Duarte, Emmanuel Pérez-Duarte, Josh Sommers: Flattening the Viewable Sphere. Computational Aesthetics 2007: 23-28
34EEIsrael Herraiz, Jesús M. González-Barahona, Gregorio Robles, Daniel M. Germán: On the prediction of the evolution of libre software projects. ICSM 2007: 405-414
33EEDaniel M. Germán: Using Software Distributions to Understand the Relationship among Free and Open Source Software Projects. MSR 2007: 24
32EEAndrew McNair, Daniel M. Germán, Jens H. Weber-Jahnke: Visualizing Software Architecture Evolution Using Change-Sets. WCRE 2007: 130-139
31EEDaniel M. Germán, Jesús M. González-Barahona, Gregorio Robles: A Model to Understand the Building and Running Inter-Dependencies of Software. WCRE 2007: 140-149
30EEDaniel M. Germán: Intellectual Property for Software (Re-)Engineers and Researchers: A Tutorial. WCRE 2007: 297
29EEKirby Shabaga, Daniel M. Germán: BioFOSS: a survey of Free/Open Source Software in Bioinformatic. CBMS 2006: 861-866
28EEDaniel M. Germán, Peter C. Rigby, Margaret-Anne D. Storey: Using evolutionary annotations from change logs to enhance program comprehension. MSR 2006: 159-162
27EEDaniel M. Germán: A study of the contributors of PostgreSQL. MSR 2006: 163-164
26EEDaniel M. Germán: An empirical study of fine-grained software modifications. Empirical Software Engineering 11(3): 369-393 (2006)
25EEDaniel M. Germán, Abram Hindle: Visualizing the Evolution of Software Using Softchange. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 16(1): 5-22 (2006)
24EEMohammed Abul Khayes Akanda, Daniel M. Germán: A System of Patterns for Web Navigation. ICWE 2005: 136-141
23EEDaniel M. Germán, Abram Hindle: Measuring Fine-Grained Change in Software: Towards Modification-Aware Change Metrics. IEEE METRICS 2005: 28
22EEDaniel M. Germán, Davor Cubranic, Margaret-Anne D. Storey: A framework for describing and understanding mining tools in software development. MSR 2005
21EEAbram Hindle, Daniel M. Germán: SCQL: a formal model and a query language for source control repositories. MSR 2005
20EEMargaret-Anne D. Storey, Davor Cubranic, Daniel M. Germán: On the use of visualization to support awareness of human activities in software development: a survey and a framework. SOFTVIS 2005: 193-202
19EEDaniel M. Germán, Davor Cubranic, Margaret-Anne D. Storey: A framework for describing and understanding mining tools in software development. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-5 (2005)
18EEAbram Hindle, Daniel M. Germán: SCQL: a formal model and a query language for source control repositories. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-5 (2005)
17EEDel Myers, Elizabeth Hargreaves, Jody Ryall, Suzanne Thompson, Marilyn Burgess, Daniel M. Germán, Margaret-Anne D. Storey: Developing marking support within Eclipse. ETX 2004: 62-66
16EEDaniel M. Germán: An Empirical Study of Fine-Grained Software Modifications. ICSM 2004: 316-325
15 Daniel M. Germán, Abram Hindle, Norman Jordan: Visualizing the evolution of software using softChange. SEKE 2004: 336-341
14EEHolger M. Kienle, Daniel M. Germán, Scott R. Tilley, Hausi A. Müller: Intellectual property aspects of web publishing. SIGDOC 2004: 136-144
13EEHolger M. Kienle, Daniel M. Germán, Hausi A. Müller: Legal Concerns of Web Site Reverse Engineering. WSE 2004: 41-50
12EEDaniel M. Germán: Using software trails to reconstruct the evolution of software. Journal of Software Maintenance 16(6): 367-384 (2004)
11EEStephen Kerr, Daniel M. Germán: Partitioning the Navigational Model: A Component-Driven Approach. ICWE 2003: 445-448
10EEMohammed Abul Khayes Akanda, Daniel M. Germán: A Component-Oriented Framework for the Implementation of Navigational Design Patterns. ICWE 2003: 449-450
9EEMargaret-Anne D. Storey, Daniela Damian, Jeff Michaud, Del Myers, Marcellus Mindel, Daniel M. Germán, Mary Sanseverino, Elizabeth Hargreaves: Improving the usability of Eclipse for novice programmers. OOPSLA Workshop on Eclipse Technology eXchange 2003: 35-39
8EEDaniel M. Germán: The GNOME project: a case study of open source, global software development. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 8(4): 201-215 (2003)
7EEDaniel M. Germán, Donald D. Cowan: Towards a Unified Catalog of Hypermedia Design Patterns. HICSS 2000
6EEDaniel M. Germán, Donald D. Cowan: Formalizing the Specification of Web Applications. ER (Workshops) 1999: 281-292
5EEB. Fraser, J. Roberts, G. M. Pianosi, Paulo S. C. Alencar, Donald D. Cowan, Daniel M. Germán, L. C. M. Nova: Dynamic views of SGML tagged documents. SIGDOC 1999: 93-98
4 Daniel M. Germán, Donald D. Cowan: A Federated Database for Hypermedia Development for the WWW. CODAS 1996: 178-181
3 Daniel M. Germán, Donald D. Cowan: Experiments with the Z Interchange Format and SGML. ZUM 1995: 224-233
2EEDaniel M. Germán: An SGML-based programming environment for literate programming. CASCON 1994: 47
1 Donald D. Cowan, Daniel M. Germán, Carlos José Pereira de Lucena, Arndt von Staa: Enhancing Code for Readability and Comprehension Using SGML. ICSM 1994: 181-190

Coauthor Index

1Mohammed Abul Khayes Akanda [10] [24]
2Paulo S. C. Alencar [5]
3Chris Bennett [37]
4Lloyd Burchill [35]
5Marilyn Burgess [17]
6Andrea Capiluppi [42]
7Philippe Charland [37]
8Donald D. Cowan [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
9Davor Cubranic [19] [20] [22]
10Daniela E. Damian (Daniela E. Herlea, Daniela Damian) [9]
11Alexandre Duret-Lutz [35]
12B. Fraser [5]
13Jesús M. González-Barahona [31] [34] [41]
14Michael Gross [36]
15Elizabeth Hargreaves [9] [17]
16Ahmed E. Hassan [39]
17Israel Herraiz [34] [41]
18Abram Hindle [15] [18] [21] [23] [25] [40]
19Richard C. Holt [40]
20Norman Jordan [15]
21Stephen Kerr [11]
22Holger M. Kienle [13] [14] [38]
23Carlos José Pereira de Lucena [1]
24Andrew McNair [32]
25Jeff Michaud [9]
26Marcellus Mindel [9]
27Hausi A. Müller [13] [14] [38]
28Del Myers [9] [17] [37]
29L. C. M. Nova [5]
30D. Ouellet [37]
31Emmanuel Pérez-Duarte [35]
32Sébastien Pérez-Duarte [35]
33G. M. Pianosi [5]
34Bruno Postle [36]
35Peter C. Rigby [28] [43]
36J. Roberts [5]
37Gregorio Robles [31] [34] [39] [41] [42]
38Jody Ryall [17]
39Martin Salois [37]
40Mary Sanseverino [9]
41Kirby Shabaga [29]
42Josh Sommers [35]
43Arndt von Staa [1]
44Margaret-Anne D. Storey [9] [17] [19] [20] [22] [28] [37] [43]
45Suzanne Thompson [17]
46Scott R. Tilley [14] [38]
47Jens H. Weber-Jahnke (Jens H. Jahnke) [32]
48Pablo d'Angelo [36]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)