
Nektarios Georgalas

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8EEAchilleas Achilleos, Kun Yang, Nektarios Georgalas: A Model Driven Approach to Generate Service Creation Environments. GLOBECOM 2008: 1673-1678
7EEAchilleas Achilleos, Nektarios Georgalas, Kun Yang: An Open Source Domain-Specific Tools Framework to Support Model Driven Development of OSS. ECMDA-FA 2007: 1-16
6EEShumao Ou, Nektarios Georgalas, Manooch Azmoodeh, Kun Yang, Xiantang Sun: A Model Driven Integration Architecture for Ontology-Based Context Modelling and Context-Aware Application Development. ECMDA-FA 2006: 188-197
5EERay Carroll, Claire Fahy, Elyes Lehtihet, Sven van der Meer, Nektarios Georgalas, David Cleary: Applying the P2P paradigm to management of large-scale distributed networks using a Model Driven Approach. NOMS 2006
4EEMartin Zach, Claire Fahy, Ray Carroll, Elyes Lehtihet, Daryl Parker, Nektarios Georgalas, Johan Nielsen, Ricardo Marin, Joan Serrat: Towards a framework for network management applications based on peer-to-peer paradigms The CELTIC project Madeira. NOMS 2006
3 Lionel Sacks, Ognjen Prnjat, Ioannis Liabotis, Temitope Olukemi, Adrian Li Mow Ching, Mike Fisher, Paul McKee, Nektarios Georgalas, Hideki Yoshii: Active Robust Resource Management in Cluster Computing Using Policies. J. Network Syst. Manage. 11(3): (2003)
2EENektarios Georgalas: QuDAS: A QoS-Based Brokering Architecture for Data Services. Databases in Telecommunications 2001: 126-139
1 Nektarios Georgalas: An Information Management Environment Based on the Model of Object Primitives. Information Modeling in the New Millennium 2001: 189-198

Coauthor Index

1Achilleas Achilleos [7] [8]
2Manooch Azmoodeh [6]
3Ray Carroll [4] [5]
4Adrian Li Mow Ching [3]
5David Cleary [5]
6Claire Fahy [4] [5]
7Mike Fisher [3]
8Elyes Lehtihet [4] [5]
9Ioannis Liabotis [3]
10Ricardo Marin [4]
11Paul McKee [3]
12Sven van der Meer [5]
13Johan Nielsen [4]
14Temitope Olukemi [3]
15Shumao Ou [6]
16Daryl Parker [4]
17Ognjen Prnjat [3]
18Lionel Sacks [3]
19Joan Serrat [4]
20Xiantang Sun [6]
21Kun Yang [6] [7] [8]
22Hideki Yoshii [3]
23Martin Zach [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)