
Fang Gensun

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7EEFang Gensun, Qian Lixin: Approximation characteristics for diagonal operators in different computational settings. Journal of Approximation Theory 140(2): 178-190 (2006)
6EEFang Gensun, Li Xuehua: Optimal quadrature problem on Hardy-Sobolev classes. J. Complexity 21(5): 722-739 (2005)
5EEChen Guanggui, Fang Gensun: Linear widths of a multivariate function space equipped with a Gaussian measure. Journal of Approximation Theory 132(1): 77-96 (2005)
4EEChen Guanggui, Fang Gensun: Probabilistic and average widths of multivariate Sobolev spaces with mixed derivative equipped with the Gaussian measure. J. Complexity 20(6): 858-875 (2004)
3EEFang Gensun, Ye Peixin: Probabilistic and average linear widths of Sobolev space with Gaussian measure. J. Complexity 19(1): 73-84 (2003)
2EEFang Gensun, Ye Peixin: Integration error for multivariate functions from anisotropic classes . J. Complexity 19(4): 610-627 (2003)
1EEFang Gensun, Liu Yongping: On the optimal quadrature least Linfinity-norm of monosplines with free knots on the real axis. J. Complexity 8(4): 467-487 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Chen Guanggui [4] [5]
2Qian Lixin [7]
3Ye Peixin [2] [3]
4Li Xuehua [6]
5Liu Yongping [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)