
Sabine Geldof

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10EERobert Dale, Sabine Geldof, Jean-Philippe Prost: Using Natural Language Generation in Automatic Route Description. Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology 37(1): (2005)
9EERobert Dale, Sabine Geldof, Jean-Philippe Prost: Using Natural Language Generation for Navigational Assistance. ACSC 2003: 35-44
8EESabine Geldof, Jacques M. B. Terken: Talking Wearables Exploit Context. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 5(1): 62-65 (2001)
7EESabine Geldof: Parrot-Talk Requires Multiple Context Dimensions. CONTEXT 1999: 467-470
6 Sabine Geldof, Walter Van de Velde: Competing Software Agents Support Human Agents. Collaboration between Human and Artificial Societies 1999: 220-233
5 Sabine Geldof: Con-textual navigation support. The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 4: 47-66 (1998)
4 Walter Van de Velde, Sabine Geldof, Ronald Schrooten: Competition for Attention. ATAL 1997: 297-311
3EESabine Geldof, Aurélien Slodzian, Walter Van de Velde: From Verification to Life Cycle Support. IEEE Expert 11(2): 67-73 (1996)
2 Sabine Geldof, Aurélien Slodzian: From Verification to Modelling Guidelines. EKAW 1994: 226-243
1 Dolores Cañamero, Sabine Geldof, Agnus McIntyre: Coupling Modeling and Validation in COMMET. EUROVAV 1993: 191-205

Coauthor Index

1Dolores Cañamero [1]
2Robert Dale [9] [10]
3Agnus McIntyre [1]
4Jean-Philippe Prost [9] [10]
5Ronald Schrooten [4]
6Aurélien Slodzian [2] [3]
7Jacques M. B. Terken [8]
8Walter Van de Velde [3] [4] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)