
Nicholas Geard

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6EENicholas Geard, Janet Wiles: LinMap: Visualizing Complexity Gradients in Evolutionary Landscapes. Artificial Life 14(3): 277-297 (2008)
5EENicholas Geard, Janet Wiles: Directed Evolution of an Artificial Cell Lineage. ACAL 2007: 144-155
4EEBenjamin Skellett, Benjamin Cairns, Nicholas Geard, Bradley Tonkes, Janet Wiles: Maximally rugged NK landscapes contain the highest peaks. GECCO 2005: 579-584
3EEJanet Wiles, Nicholas Geard, James Watson, Kai Willadsen, John Mattick, Daniel Bradley, Jennifer Hallinan: There's more to a model than code: understanding and formalizing in silico modeling experience. GECCO Workshops 2005: 281-288
2EENicholas Geard, Janet Wiles: A Gene Network Model for Developing Cell Lineages. Artificial Life 11(3): 249-267 (2005)
1EENicholas Geard, Janet Wiles: Structure and dynamics of a gene network model incorporating small RNAs. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (1) 2003: 199-206

Coauthor Index

1Daniel Bradley [3]
2Benjamin Cairns [4]
3Jennifer Hallinan [3]
4John Mattick [3]
5Benjamin Skellett [4]
6Bradley Tonkes [4]
7James Watson [3]
8Janet Wiles [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
9Kai Willadsen [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)