
Andrew Le Gear

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6EEJacek Rosik, Andrew Le Gear, Jim Buckley, Muhammad Ali Babar: An industrial case study of architecture conformance. ESEM 2008: 80-89
5EEAndrew Le Gear, Jim Buckley: Exercising control over the design of evolving software systems using an inverse application of reflexion modeling. CASCON 2006: 376
4EEAndrew Le Gear, Jim Buckley: Reengineering towards components using "Reconn-exion". ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2005: 370-373
3EEAndrew Le Gear, Jim Buckley, J. J. Collins: Software reconnexion: understanding software using a variation on software reconnaissance and reflexion modelling. ISESE 2005: 34-43
2EEAndrew Le Gear, Jim Buckley, Brendan Cleary, J. J. Collins, Kieran O'Dea: Achieving a Reuse Perspective within a Component Recovery Process: An Industrial Scale Case Study. IWPC 2005: 279-288
1 Brendan Cleary, Andrew Le Gear, Christopher Exton, Jim Buckley: A Combined Software Reconnaissance & Static Analysis Eclipse Visualisation Plug-in. VISSOFT 2005: 121-122

Coauthor Index

1Muhammad Ali Babar [6]
2Jim Buckley [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
3Brendan Cleary [1] [2]
4J. J. Collins [2] [3]
5Christopher Exton (Chris Exton) [1]
6Kieran O'Dea [2]
7Jacek Rosik [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)