
Rong Ge

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19EERong Ge, Martin Ester, Byron J. Gao, Zengjian Hu, Binay K. Bhattacharya, Boaz Ben-Moshe: Joint cluster analysis of attribute data and relationship data: The connected k-center problem, algorithms and applications. TKDD 2(2): (2008)
18EERong Ge, Xizhou Feng, Wu-chun Feng, Kirk W. Cameron: CPU MISER: A Performance-Directed, Run-Time System for Power-Aware Clusters. ICPP 2007: 18
17EERong Ge, Kirk W. Cameron: Power-Aware Speedup. IPDPS 2007: 1-10
16EERong Ge, Martin Ester, Wen Jin, Ian Davidson: Constraint-driven clustering. KDD 2007: 320-329
15EEFlavia Moser, Rong Ge, Martin Ester: Joint cluster analysis of attribute and relationship data withouta-priori specification of the number of clusters. KDD 2007: 510-519
14 Kirk W. Cameron, Rong Ge, Xizhou Feng: Designing Computational Clusters for Performance and Power. Advances in Computers 69: 89-153 (2007)
13EEKirk W. Cameron, Rong Ge, Xian-He Sun: lognP and log3P: Accurate Analytical Models of Point-to-Point Communication in Distributed Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 56(3): 314-327 (2007)
12EEWen Jin, Rong Ge, Weining Qian: On Robust and Effective K-Anonymity in Large Databases. PAKDD 2006: 621-636
11EEMartin Ester, Rong Ge, Byron J. Gao, Zengjian Hu, Boaz Ben-Moshe: Joint Cluster Analysis of Attribute Data and Relationship Data: the Connected k-Center Problem. SDM 2006
10EERong Ge, Martin Ester, Wen Jin, Zengjian Hu: A Disc-based Approach to Data Summarization and Privacy Preservation. SSDBM 2006: 321-332
9EEXizhou Feng, Rong Ge, Kirk W. Cameron: The Argus prototype: aggregate use of load modules as a high-density supercomputer. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 18(15): 1975-1987 (2006)
8EERong Ge, Xizhou Feng, Kirk W. Cameron: Improvement of Power-Performance Efficiency for High-End Computing. IPDPS 2005
7EEXizhou Feng, Rong Ge, Kirk W. Cameron: Power and Energy Profiling of Scientific Applications on Distributed Systems. IPDPS 2005
6 Xizhou Feng, Rong Ge, Kirk W. Cameron: ARGUS: Supercomputing in 1/10 Cubic Meter. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks 2005: 20-25
5EERong Ge, Xizhou Feng, Kirk W. Cameron: Performance-constrained Distributed DVS Scheduling for Scientific Applications on Power-aware Clusters. SC 2005: 34
4EEKirk W. Cameron, Rong Ge, Xizhou Feng: High-Performance, Power-Aware Distributed Computing for Scientific Applications. IEEE Computer 38(11): 40-47 (2005)
3EEYin Ma, Steve Carr, Rong Ge: Low-Cost Register-Pressure Prediction for Scalar Replacement Using Pseudo-Schedules. ICPP 2004: 116-124
2EEMartin Ester, Rong Ge, Wen Jin, Zengjian Hu: A microeconomic data mining problem: customer-oriented catalog segmentation. KDD 2004: 557-562
1EEKirk W. Cameron, Rong Ge: Predicting and Evaluating Distributed Communication Performance. SC 2004: 43

Coauthor Index

1Boaz Ben-Moshe [11] [19]
2Binay K. Bhattacharya [19]
3Kirk W. Cameron [1] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [13] [14] [17] [18]
4Steve Carr [3]
5Ian Davidson [16]
6Martin Ester [2] [10] [11] [15] [16] [19]
7Wu-chun Feng [18]
8Xizhou Feng [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [14] [18]
9Byron J. Gao [11] [19]
10Zengjian Hu [2] [10] [11] [19]
11Wen Jin [2] [10] [12] [16]
12Yin Ma [3]
13Flavia Moser [15]
14Weining Qian [12]
15Xian-He Sun [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)