
He Ge

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6EEHe Ge, Stephen R. Tate: A Direct Anonymous Attestation Scheme for Embedded Devices. Public Key Cryptography 2007: 16-30
5EEHe Ge, Stephen R. Tate: Traceable Signature: Better Efficiency and Beyond. ICCSA (3) 2006: 327-337
4EEHe Ge: An Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Identification Card. ICICS 2006: 238-248
3EEHe Ge, Stephen R. Tate: A group signature scheme with signature claiming and variable linkability. IPCCC 2006
2EEHe Ge, Stephen R. Tate: Efficient Authenticated Key-Exchange for Devices with a Trusted Manager. ITNG 2006: 198-203
1EEHe Ge: An Efficient Key Management Scheme for Pervasive Computing. ISM 2005: 657-661

Coauthor Index

1Stephen R. Tate [2] [3] [5] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)