
Liljana Gavrilovska

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3EEPero Latkoski, Liljana Gavrilovska: Analysis of Bluetooth Protocol in Presence of Bursty Traffic. JCM 2(6): 38-45 (2007)
2 Vladimir Atanasovski, Liljana Gavrilovska: Inter-layer information exchanges for maximizing IEEE 802.11a throughput in fading channels. Communications and Computer Networks 2006: 14-19
1EEMarjan Bozinovski, Liljana Gavrilovska: Adaptive Call Admission Control for Wireless Multimedia Network. Mobile Data Management 2001: 222-230

Coauthor Index

1Vladimir Atanasovski [2]
2Marjan Bozinovski [1]
3Pero Latkoski [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)