
Serban I. Gavrila

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13EEVincent C. Hu, Karen Scarfone, Serban I. Gavrila, David F. Ferraiolo: A trust domain management schema for multiple grid environments. Infoscale 2007: 17
12 Wayne A. Jansen, Serban I. Gavrila, Clément Séveillac: Smart Card Authentication for Mobile Devices. AISM 2005: 38-46
11EERakeshbabu Bobba, Serban I. Gavrila, Virgil D. Gligor, Himanshu Khurana, Radostina K. Koleva: Administering Access Control in Dynamic Coalitions. LISA 2005: 249-261
10EEDavid F. Ferraiolo, Serban I. Gavrila, Vincent C. Hu, D. Richard Kuhn: Composing and combining policies under the policy machine. SACMAT 2005: 11-20
9 Wayne A. Jansen, Serban I. Gavrila, Vlad Korolev: Proximity-Based Authentication for Mobile Devices. Security and Management 2005: 398-404
8 Wayne A. Jansen, Serban I. Gavrila, Vlad Korolev: A Unified Framework for Mobile Device Security. Security and Management 2004: 9-14
7EEHimanshu Khurana, Serban I. Gavrila, Rakeshbabu Bobba, Radostina K. Koleva, Anuja Sonalker, Emilian Dinu, Virgil D. Gligor, John S. Baras: Integrated Security Services for Dynamic Coalitions. DISCEX (2) 2003: 38-40
6EEDavid F. Ferraiolo, Ramaswamy Chandramouli, Gail-Joon Ahn, Serban I. Gavrila: The role control center: features and case studies. SACMAT 2003: 12-20
5 Wayne A. Jansen, Tom Karygiannis, Michaela Iorga, Serban I. Gavrila, Vlad Korolev: Security Policy Management for Handheld Devices. Security and Management 2003: 199-204
4EEDavid F. Ferraiolo, Ravi S. Sandhu, Serban I. Gavrila, D. Richard Kuhn, Ramaswamy Chandramouli: Proposed NIST standard for role-based access control. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur. 4(3): 224-274 (2001)
3EESerban I. Gavrila, John F. Barkley: Formal Specification for Role Based Access Control User/Role and Role/Role Relationship Management. ACM Workshop on Role-Based Access Control 1998: 81-90
2EEVirgil D. Gligor, Serban I. Gavrila, David F. Ferraiolo: On the Formal Definition of Separation-of-Duty Policies and their Composition. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1998: 172-183
1EEVirgil D. Gligor, Serban I. Gavrila: Application-Oriented Security Policies and Their Composition (Position Paper). Security Protocols Workshop 1998: 67-74

Coauthor Index

1Gail-Joon Ahn [6]
2John S. Baras [7]
3John F. Barkley [3]
4Rakeshbabu Bobba [7] [11]
5Ramaswamy Chandramouli [4] [6]
6Emilian Dinu [7]
7David F. Ferraiolo [2] [4] [6] [10] [13]
8Virgil D. Gligor [1] [2] [7] [11]
9Vincent C. Hu [10] [13]
10Michaela Iorga [5]
11Wayne A. Jansen [5] [8] [9] [12]
12Tom Karygiannis [5]
13Himanshu Khurana [7] [11]
14Radostina K. Koleva [7] [11]
15Vlad Korolev [5] [8] [9]
16D. Richard Kuhn [4] [10]
17Ravi S. Sandhu [4]
18Karen Scarfone [13]
19Clément Séveillac [12]
20Anuja Sonalker [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)