
Laurent Gautier

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7EEHenrik Bjørn Nielsen, Laurent Gautier, Steen Knudsen: Implementation of a gene expression index calculation method based on the PDNN model. Bioinformatics 21(5): 687-688 (2005)
6EELaurent Gautier, Morten Møller, Lennart Friis-Hansen, Steen Knudsen: Alternative mapping of probes to genes for Affymetrix chips. BMC Bioinformatics 5: 111 (2004)
5EELaurent Gautier, Leslie Cope, Benjamin M. Bolstad, Rafael A. Irizarry: affy - analysis of Affymetrix GeneChip data at the probe level. Bioinformatics 20(3): 307-315 (2004)
4 Laurent Gautier, Christophe Diot, James F. Kurose: End-to-end Transmission Control Mechanisms for Multiparty Interactive Applications on the Internet. INFOCOM 1999: 1470-1479
3EELaurent Gautier, Christophe Diot: Design and Evaluation of MiMaze, a Multi-Player Game on the Internet. ICMCS 1998: 233-236
2EETorsten Braun, Isabelle Chrisment, Christophe Diot, François Gagnon, Laurent Gautier: ALFred, a Protocol Compiler for the Automated Implementation of Distributed Applications. HPDC 1996: 450-459
1 Torsten Braun, Isabelle Chrisment, Christophe Diot, François Gagnon, Laurent Gautier: ALF/ILP Based Automated Implementation of Distributed Applications. Australian Computer Journal 28(2): 48-54 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Benjamin M. Bolstad [5]
2Torsten Braun [1] [2]
3Isabelle Chrisment [1] [2]
4Leslie Cope [5]
5Christophe Diot [1] [2] [3] [4]
6Lennart Friis-Hansen [6]
7François Gagnon [1] [2]
8Rafael A. Irizarry [5]
9Steen Knudsen [6] [7]
10James F. Kurose (Jim Kurose) [4]
11Morten Møller [6]
12Henrik Bjørn Nielsen [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)