
Richard A. Gatward

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10 Parveen K. Samra, Richard A. Gatward, Anne E. James, Virginia King: WEBTIE: A Framework for Delivering Web Based Training for SMEs. ICEIS (5) 2008: 204-209
9EERahat Iqbal, Richard A. Gatward, Anne E. James: A general approach to ethnographic analysis for systems design. SIGDOC 2005: 34-40
8EERahat Iqbal, Anne E. James, Richard A. Gatward: Designing with ethnography: An integrative approach to CSCW design. Advanced Engineering Informatics 19(2): 81-92 (2005)
7 Rahat Iqbal, Anne E. James, Richard A. Gatward: A Framework for Interoperability of CSCW Systems. BNCOD Posters 2003: 16-19
6EERahat Iqbal, Anne E. James, Richard A. Gatward: A Framework for Interoperability of Heterogeneous Systems. DEXA Workshops 2003: 768-772
5 Rahat Iqbal, Anne E. James, Richard A. Gatward: A Collaborative Platform for Interoperability of CSCW Applications. EFIS 2003: 42-51
4 Rahat Iqbal, Anne E. James, Richard A. Gatward: A Methodology for the Integration of CSCW Applications. ICEIS (3) 2003: 599-602
3 Rahat Iqbal, Anne E. James, Richard A. Gatward: A Framework For Integration Of Heterogeneous Systems. NDDL/VVEIS 2003: 56-65
2EEKuo-Ming Chao, Rachid Anane, Jen-Hsiang Chen, Richard A. Gatward: Negotiating Agents in a Market-Oriented Grid. CCGRID 2002: 436-437
1EEAnne E. James, Richard A. Gatward, Steve D. E. Shipley: Using a Knowledge Representation Language to Capture both Knowledge and Routine Data. KRDB 1995

Coauthor Index

1Rachid Anane [2]
2Kuo-Ming Chao [2]
3Jen-Hsiang Chen [2]
4Rahat Iqbal [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
5Anne E. James [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
6Virginia King [10]
7Parveen K. Samra [10]
8Steve D. E. Shipley [1]

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