
Charles Garrett

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5 Eric B. Baum, Dan Boneh, Charles Garrett: Where Genetic Algorithms Excel. Evolutionary Computation 9(1): 93-124 (2001)
4EEEric B. Baum, Dan Boneh, Charles Garrett: On Genetic Algorithms. COLT 1995: 230-239
3 Eric Mjolsness, Charles Garrett, John Reinitz, David H. Sharp: Modeling the Connection Between Development and Evolution: Preliminary Report. Evolution and Biocomputation 1995: 103-122
2 David Grove, Jeffrey Dean, Charles Garrett, Craig Chambers: Profile-Guided Receiver Class Prediction. OOPSLA 1995: 108-123
1EEEric Mjolsness, Charles Garrett: Algebraic transformations of objective functions. Neural Networks 3(6): 651-669 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Eric B. Baum [4] [5]
2Dan Boneh [4] [5]
3Craig Chambers [2]
4Jeffrey Dean [2]
5David Grove [2]
6Eric Mjolsness [1] [3]
7John Reinitz [3]
8David H. Sharp [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)