
David Garcia

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9EEXavier Amatriain, Pau Arumi, David Garcia: A framework for efficient and rapid development of cross-platform audio applications. Multimedia Syst. 14(1): 15-32 (2008)
8EEXavier Amatriain, Pau Arumi, David Garcia: CLAM: a framework for efficient and rapid development of cross-platform audio applications. ACM Multimedia 2006: 951-954
7EEDavid Bernick, Bill Bruckert, Paul Del Vigna, David Garcia, Robert Jardine, Jim Klecka, Jim Smullen: NonStop® Advanced Architecture. DSN 2005: 12-21
6EEXavier Amatriain, Jordi Massaguer, David Garcia, Ismael Mosquera: The CLAM Annotator: A Cross-Platform Audio Descriptors Editing Tool. ISMIR 2005: 426-429
5EEDavid Carrera, David Garcia, Jordi Torres, Eduard Ayguadé, Jesús Labarta: WAS Control Center: An Autonomic Performance-Triggered Tracing Environment for WebSphere. PDP 2005: 26-32
4 José María Pérez, Félix García, Jesús Carretero, José Daniel García, David Garcia, Luis Miguel Sánchez: Towards a Data Driven Storage Infrastructure for Grids. PDPTA 2003: 179-184
3 David Garcia, María Asunción Lubiano, María Carmen Alonso: Estimating the expected value of fuzzy random variables in the stratified random sampling from finite populations. Inf. Sci. 138(1-4): 165-184 (2001)
2EEDavid Garcia: The end of the browser. Interactions 8(1): 42-52 (2001)
1EEDavid Garcia, William J. Watson: ServerNetTM II. PCRCW 1997: 119-136

Coauthor Index

1María Carmen Alonso [3]
2Xavier Amatriain [6] [8] [9]
3Pau Arumi [8] [9]
4Eduard Ayguadé [5]
5David Bernick [7]
6Bill Bruckert [7]
7Félix García Carballeira (Félix García) [4]
8David Carrera [5]
9Jesús Carretero (Jesús Carretero Pérez) [4]
10Robert Jardine [7]
11Jim Klecka [7]
12Jesús Labarta [5]
13María Asunción Lubiano [3]
14Jordi Massaguer [6]
15Ismael Mosquera [6]
16José María Pérez [4]
17José Daniel García Sánchez (José Daniel García) [4]
18Luis Miguel Sánchez [4]
19Jim Smullen [7]
20Jordi Torres [5]
21Paul Del Vigna [7]
22William J. Watson [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)