
Pedro García

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28EEPedro García, Manuel Vazquez de Parga, Gloria Alvarez, José Ruiz: Learning Regular Languages Using Nondeterministic Finite Automata. CIAA 2008: 92-101
27EEJesús Escudero-Sahuquillo, Pedro García, Francisco J. Quiles, Jose Flich, José Duato: FBICM: Efficient Congestion Management for High-Performance Networks Using Distributed Deterministic Routing. HiPC 2008: 503-517
26EEPedro García, Pedro Albertos: A new dead-time compensator to control stable and integrating processes with long dead-time. Automatica 44(4): 1062-1071 (2008)
25EEPedro García, Manuel Vazquez de Parga, Damián López: On the efficient construction of quasi-reversible automata for reversible languages. Inf. Process. Lett. 107(1): 13-17 (2008)
24EEPedro García, Manuel Vazquez de Parga, Gloria I. Álvarez, José Ruiz: Universal automata and NFA learning. Theor. Comput. Sci. 407(1-3): 192-202 (2008)
23EEManuel Vazquez de Parga, Pedro García, José Ruiz: A Family of Algorithms for Non Deterministic Regular Languages Inference. CIAA 2006: 265-274
22EEGloria Alvarez, Pedro García, José Ruiz: A Merging States Algorithm for Inference of RFSAs. ICGI 2006: 340-341
21EEPedro García, José Ruiz: Learning in varieties of the form V*LI from positive data. Theor. Comput. Sci. 362(1-3): 100-114 (2006)
20EEAntonio Cano, Pedro García: Finite Automata and Unions of Regular Patterns with Bounded Constant Segments. CIAA 2005: 104-115
19EEPedro García, José Ruiz, Antonio Cano, Gloria Alvarez: Is Learning RFSAs Better Than Learning DFAs?. CIAA 2005: 343-344
18EEPedro García, José Ruiz, Antonio Cano, Gloria Alvarez: Inference Improvement by Enlarging the Training Set While Learning DFAs. CIARP 2005: 59-70
17 Pedro García, Manuel Vazquez de Parga: A note about mergible states in large NFA. Bulletin of the EATCS 87: 181-184 (2005)
16EEAntonio Cano, José Ruiz, Pedro García: Running FCRPNI in Efficient Time for Piecewise and Right Piecewise Testable Languages. ICGI 2004: 275-276
15 Damián López, Antonio Cano, Manuel Vazquez de Parga, Belén Calles, José M. Sempere, Tomás Pérez, José Ruiz, Pedro García: Detection of Functional Motifs in Biosequences: A Grammatical Inference Approach. Spanish Bioinformatics Conference 2004: 72-75
14 Pedro García, José Ruiz: A Note on Minimal Cover-Automata for Finite Languages. Bulletin of the EATCS 83: 193-199 (2004)
13EEDamián López, José M. Sempere, Pedro García: Inference of reversible tree languages. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 34(4): 1658-1665 (2004)
12 Pedro García, José Ruiz: Threshold Locally Testable Languages in Strict Sense. Grammars and Automata for String Processing 2003: 243-252
11EEPedro García, José Ruiz, Manuel Vazquez de Parga: Bilateral locally testable languages. Theor. Comput. Sci. 1-3(299): 775-783 (2003)
10EEJosé M. Sempere, Pedro García: Learning Locally Testable Even Linear Languages from Positive Data. ICGI 2002: 225-236
9EEAntonio Cano, José Ruiz, Pedro García: Inferring Subclasses of Regular Languages Faster Using RPNI and Forbidden Configurations. ICGI 2002: 28-36
8 Pedro García, Antonio Cano, José Ruiz: A Comparative Study of Two Algorithms for Automata Identification. ICGI 2000: 115-126
7EEDamián López, José M. Sempere, Pedro García: Error Correcting Analysis for Tree Languages. IJPRAI 14(3): 357-368 (2000)
6EEPedro García, José Ruiz: Right and left locally testable languages. Theor. Comput. Sci. 246(1-2): 253-264 (2000)
5 José Ruiz, Pedro García: Right and left strongly locally testable semigroups and languages. Developments in Language Theory 1999: 232-241
4EEJosé Ruiz, Salvador España, Pedro García: Locally Threshold Testable Languages in Strict Sense: Application to the Inference Problem. ICGI 1998: 150-161
3 José Ruiz, Pedro García: Learning k-piecewise testable languages from positive data. ICGI 1996: 203-210
2 José Ruiz, Pedro García: The Algorithms RT and k-TTI: a First Comparison. ICGI 1994: 180-188
1 José M. Sempere, Pedro García: A Characterization of Even Linear Languages and its Application to the Learning Problem. ICGI 1994: 38-44

Coauthor Index

1Pedro Albertos [26]
2Gloria Alvarez [18] [19] [22] [28]
3Gloria I. Álvarez [24]
4Belén Calles [15]
5Antonio Cano [8] [9] [15] [16] [18] [19] [20]
6José Duato [27]
7Jesús Escudero-Sahuquillo [27]
8Salvador España [4]
9Jose Flich [27]
10Damián López [7] [13] [15] [25]
11Manuel Vazquez de Parga [11] [15] [17] [23] [24] [25] [28]
12Tomás Pérez [15]
13Francisco J. Quiles [27]
14José Ruiz [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [11] [12] [14] [15] [16] [18] [19] [21] [22] [23] [24] [28]
15José M. Sempere [1] [7] [10] [13] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)