
P. García

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3EEYudith Cardinale, Mariela Curiel, Carlos Figueira, P. García, Emilio Hernández: Implementation of a CORBA-Based Metacomputing System. HPCN Europe 2001: 629-636
2 A. Gómez, P. García, Jesús Egea, Jose Jaime Meseguer, Tomas Jiménez: SUMA Project (Open Murcia University Services). Computers and Education in the 21st Century 2000: 199-210
1 I. Gracia, Filiberto Pla, Francesc J. Ferri, P. García: Estimating Feature Discriminant Power in Decision Tree Classifiers. CAIP 1995: 612-617

Coauthor Index

1Yudith Cardinale [3]
2Mariela Curiel [3]
3Jesús Egea [2]
4Francesc J. Ferri [1]
5Carlos Figueira [3]
6A. Gómez [2]
7I. Gracia [1]
8Emilio Hernández [3]
9Tomas Jiménez [2]
10Jose Jaime Meseguer [2]
11Filiberto Pla [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)