
Michael I. Ganzburg

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4EEMichael I. Ganzburg: Best constants of harmonic approximation on classes associated with the Laplace operator. Journal of Approximation Theory 150(2): 199-213 (2008)
3EEMichael I. Ganzburg: Polynomial interpolation, an L-function, and pointwise approximation of continuous functions. Journal of Approximation Theory 153(1): 1-18 (2008)
2EEMichael I. Ganzburg: Strong asymptotics in Lagrange interpolation with equidistant nodes. Journal of Approximation Theory 122(2): 224-240 (2003)
1EEMichael I. Ganzburg: The Bernstein Constant and Polynomial Interpolation at the Chebyshev Nodes. Journal of Approximation Theory 119(2): 193-213 (2002)

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)