
Ranjan Ganguli

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5EEPradeep Kumar Gudla, Ranjan Ganguli: Error estimates for inconsistent load lumping approach in finite element solution of differential equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 194(1): 21-37 (2007)
4EENiranjan Roy, Ranjan Ganguli: Filter design using radial basis function neural network and genetic algorithm for improved operational health monitoring. Appl. Soft Comput. 6(2): 154-169 (2006)
3EERajeev Verma, Niranjan Roy, Ranjan Ganguli: Gas turbine diagnostics using a soft computing approach. Applied Mathematics and Computation 172(2): 1342-1363 (2006)
2EEPradeep Kumar Gudla, Ranjan Ganguli: An automated hybrid genetic-conjugate gradient algorithm for multimodal optimization problems. Applied Mathematics and Computation 167(2): 1457-1474 (2005)
1 Niranjan Roy, Ranjan Ganguli: Denoising Signals for Improved Fault Detection and Isolation Using Recursive Median Filter and Genetic Algorithm. IICAI 2003: 1415-1428

Coauthor Index

1Pradeep Kumar Gudla [2] [5]
2Niranjan Roy [1] [3] [4]
3Rajeev Verma [3]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)