
Robert C. Gammill

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6EERobert C. Gammill, Lynn Thorp: Distributed processing of problem-solving applications for farmers. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1982: 759-766
5 Robert C. Gammill: Microcomputers: Applications, Problems, and Promise. Advances in Computers 21: 155-224 (1982)
4EERobert C. Gammill: A tiny portable language-independent macroprocessor and some applications. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1981: 415-420
3 Robert C. Gammill: Research on Rural Communication and the Microcomputer Controlled Modem and Telephone. SIGSMALL/SIGMOD Symposium 1981: 40-46
2EERobert C. Gammill, Herbert J. Shukiar: An interactive system for aiding management decision making. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1977: 753-759
1EERobert C. Gammill: GPMX: a portable general purpose macro processor adapted for preprocessing FORTRAN. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1976: 927-933

Coauthor Index

1Herbert J. Shukiar [2]
2Lynn Thorp [6]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)