
Sebastian D. C. de O. Galvão

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3EESebastian D. C. de O. Galvão, Estevam R. Hruschka Jr.: A Markov Blanket Based Strategy to Optimize the Induction of Bayesian Classifiers When Using Conditional Independence Learning Algorithms. DaWaK 2007: 355-364
2EEDiego P. Vivencio, Estevam R. Hruschka Jr., Maria do Carmo Nicoletti, Edimilson Batista dos Santos, Sebastian D. C. de O. Galvão: Feature-weighted k-Nearest Neighbor Classifier. FOCI 2007: 481-486
1EEEstevam R. Hruschka Jr., Edimilson Batista dos Santos, Sebastian D. C. de O. Galvão: Variable Ordering in the Conditional Independence Bayesian Classifier Induction Process: An Evolutionary Approach. HIS 2007: 204-209

Coauthor Index

1Estevam R. Hruschka Jr. [1] [2] [3]
2Maria do Carmo Nicoletti [2]
3Edimilson Batista dos Santos [1] [2]
4Diego P. Vivencio [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)